I've got the song Team Chaotix by Gunner Nelson from the PS2 game Sonic Heroes. I've decided I want to make Anime/Game Music AMVs. It'll be a cool challenge.
I'm getting on OK, but timing it is a hard task.
Once I made like thirty seconds of the AMV, saved it, and when I returned to it an hour later the timing had all been messed up. The song is a challenging one to start with, so even losing 0.5 seconds of time messes it up entirely...Also presentation mode seems to mess up my timing as well by at least 1.5 seconds.
I have managed to hold back these problems by adding little wait blocks here and there so that's OK...for now.
Anyway, have YOU - the awesome Scratch Community - got any tips for me? It would be greatly appreciated!
Thanking the community,
I haven't published any AMV's, but I've made a few short one's that are still on my computer.
The main problem I ran into was also timing, and the source of this problem usually lied within the entanglement of all sorts of different broadcasts and sprites... ehh.
I find that the best way to avoid this problem is by creating a "master script" somewhere. Example:
This would allow you to have one place where everything is controlled, and may help you solve timing problems faster. Unfortunately, timing will probably always be a bit off online, so your best bet is to get it right offline, and tell people to download it once you post it online.whenclicked
broadcastfirst part ▼wait3secsbroadcastsecond part ▼wait2.6secs
Viewing in presentation mode speeds up the scripts. I've made short little animations on my computer for the experience and to avoid running into the editing mode and presentation mode timing gap, I got into the habit of whenever I view it, I would also put it into presentation mode. You should get into that habit too.
Great ideas guys, I'll get right on it!
Thanking silvershine and TobyFork234,
JinnOfTheGale, over and out!