Do you mean a little bar at the bottom of the Scratch website or at the bottom of the Scratch authoring environment (the one you have to download and install)?
I think it would be great to connect Scratch to other communities like Club Penguin. We would be interested in that. Seems like there is a good number of Club Penguin users that are also active members of the Scratch community. Maybe you can get together and suggest something to Club Penguin? We would be interested in talking to them if there is enough support.
Scratch on!
nose123 wrote:
I think it would be cool if there was a little bar down the bottom of the screen that if you write something in it then you can send it to someone like on club penguin.
someone suggusted something like that:
andresmh wrote:
Do you mean a little bar at the bottom of the Scratch website or at the bottom of the Scratch authoring environment (the one you have to download and install)?
I think it would be great to connect Scratch to other communities like Club Penguin. We would be interested in that. Seems like there is a good number of Club Penguin users that are also active members of the Scratch community. Maybe you can get together and suggest something to Club Penguin? We would be interested in talking to them if there is enough support.
Scratch on!
i think when nose123 mentioned club penguin it was just as an example of how what they wanted looked.
Last edited by planetX (2007-11-25 21:17:02)