To my project, I need help how to make stars twinkling.
I'm not just looking for some spark although!
I want the stars look like they already do, which have already in the project, and then at random some get larger twist and around a little, and then go back to normal size, you'll get what I'm saying?
And I'm sorry my English!
Something like this should work:
when gf clicked forever wait (pick random (5) to (10)) secs repeat (20) change size by (.25) turn cw (3) degrees end end
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2012-04-08 21:08:55)
when gf clicked set size to [100]% forever wait until <you're ready> repeat until <you're ready> change size by <pick random (-7) to (7)> change [whirl v] effect by <pick random (-2) to (2)> end wait until <you're ready> set [whirl v] effect to [0] repeat until <<size>=[100]> change size by [-1] endThis would also work, it would reset itself all the time
Nuregami wrote:
Thank you, but what about you in the red block mean said, "you ready? "I can't find in the scratch menu to make a new sprite
You have to put
wait (5) secsor
wait until <(insert variable name here)=[whatever it needs to equal]>You would have to program that
<you're ready>