ftf841 wrote:
how do you stop a soundtrack and start a new one when I try to start a new one the soundtracks overlap
use the
Stop all soundsbefore you start the new sound.
Last edited by AtomicBawm3 (2012-04-07 17:56:13)
AtomicBawm3 wrote:
ftf841 wrote:
how do you stop a soundtrack and start a new one when I try to start a new one the soundtracks overlap
use the
Stop all soundsbefore you start the new sound.
didn't work
here is the part that I think is the problem
forever if <somthing> play sound [sound v] until done// this is the part i think that is causing trouble
Last edited by ftf841 (2012-04-07 18:07:08)
go like this
when gf clicked forever play sound [sound v] wait until <<(timer1) = [length of sound]>or<not<something>>> play sound [sound1 v] set [timer1 v] to [0] wait until <<(timer1) = [length of sound]>or<not<something>>>
when gf clicked set [timer1 v] to [0] forever wait [1] secs change [timer v] by [1]