how do you make the background change when your sprite is on the edge?
when flag clicked forever if <touching [edge v] ?> broadcast [hi! v] wait until <not <touching [edge v]?>> end endAnd for stage:
when I receive [hi! v] switch to background [awesome background v]
Last edited by aryabtsev (2012-04-12 22:50:47)
SOScratch wrote:
when gf clicked forever if (touching [edge v]?) switch to background [ v]
when your sprite touches the edge, make it brodcast a message. When the stage recives the messaage, it will change the backgrond.
if <touching [edge v]?> set [on edge v] to (1) else set [on edge v] to (0) endStage
if <(on edge) = (1)> switch to background [edge v] else switch to background [no edge v] endAnd put
when gf clicked foreverover both of the scripts.
Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-04-09 11:31:35)