Sounds cool! If someone, like me, is relatively new, then we don't know how the community around us will act.
Should this be bumped?
Should a snowman be made of snow?
(in other words. BUMP!)
Pecola1 wrote:
Should this be bumped?
Should a snowman be made of snow?
(in other words. BUMP!)
I don’t think a snowman should be made of snow.
Pecola1 wrote:
Should this be bumped?
Should a snowman be made of snow?
(in other words. BUMP!)
No, it should be made out of fire, then it'd be a fireman! *ba-dum tissss*
Pecola1 wrote:
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Nope. Younger children shouldn't be denied from seeing projects.
*facepalm* ... but the parent would be allowed to say weather they could or not.
Do i have to explain this all again or will you just read my posts. XD
A project could be rated by the uploader. If a project with "13+ recommended" or "17+ only" is found by a kid you could either:
A) Set up an honorary system which could easily be bypassed.
B) Have an age verification that asks a few questions to determine age.
W00tage wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Nope. Younger children shouldn't be denied from seeing projects.
*facepalm* ... but the parent would be allowed to say weather they could or not.
Do i have to explain this all again or will you just read my posts. XDA project could be rated by the uploader. If a project with "13+ recommended" or "17+ only" is found by a kid you could either:
A) Set up an honorary system which could easily be bypassed.
B) Have an age verification that asks a few questions to determine age.
Does that mean you support?
An age thing would be better, the parent would set the age when signing up if they really didn't want their kid to see any blood.
my-chemical-romance wrote:
An age thing would be better, the parent would set the age when signing up if they really didn't want their kid to see any blood.
That is basically what this is.
W00tage wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
CheckItNow12 wrote:
Nope. Younger children shouldn't be denied from seeing projects.
*facepalm* ... but the parent would be allowed to say weather they could or not.
Do i have to explain this all again or will you just read my posts. XDA project could be rated by the uploader. If a project with "13+ recommended" or "17+ only" is found by a kid you could either:
A) Set up an honorary system which could easily be bypassed.
B) Have an age verification that asks a few questions to determine age.
henley wrote:
W00tage wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
*facepalm* ... but the parent would be allowed to say weather they could or not.
Do i have to explain this all again or will you just read my posts. XDA project could be rated by the uploader. If a project with "13+ recommended" or "17+ only" is found by a kid you could either:
A) Set up an honorary system which could easily be bypassed.
B) Have an age verification that asks a few questions to determine age.
You tell me, does that mean you support?
If people lie about there age, they are just trying to fit in. I agree with checkitnow12... This is a website for all types a programmers, and younger ones shouldn't be left out.. And if the projects were bad, they should be deleted anyway :p
I support and don't support.
I don't support because This goes against Scratch's motto, imagine, program, share because you can't share the projects with everyone!! It also would take alot more moderators to keep up with the teens! And because I couldn't view 50% of the projects on here because I'm not considered a "teen", (i'm 10) I'm technically a "preteen."
For example:
Let's imagine that this system was in place. Then, I lied about my age when making my account because I knew about the system and wanted to see some projects that have blood, gore, and mild language. Anyone can lie about their age just to be able to have more things that they can view on Scratch if this was in place!
I support because this would encourage people to have projects with "clean" content in order to be able to get more views, love-it's, and downloads.
I lied about my age when registering for Scratch so that I could use MY email, mot my MOM'S! My friend (her username is MATH1PLUS1) did the same.
-10 and +1 on this. You shouldn't split the community into little kids and teenagers!! But this would encourage prople to put appropriate things onto Scratch website!!!
i disagree i use swear words in my projects all the time! God! its just a [removed] project! we're not breaking the [removed] law!!!!
Last edited by Paddle2See (2012-03-16 21:56:57)
I support. I think swearing should still be not allowed. I think just a simple ages 13+ thing by the project would be good.
paulo63933 wrote:
i disagree i use swear words in my projects all the time! God! its just a [removed] project! we're not breaking the [removed] law!!!!
Congratulations on that, mate.
I don't think I've ever seen Paddle ninja a post that quickly.
paulo63933 wrote:
i disagree i use swear words in my projects all the time! God! its just a [removed] project! we're not breaking the [removed] law!!!!
Even if it's not against the law, it's against the guidelines, and it's wrong to expose children of as young as five years old to words like the ones you used in your post just then.
Maybe so, users could know what their limits are by filling a content questionare, eg do you like the sight of blood? etc and the person who made a projec
t could mark what content it has in it so people who wouldn't have liked it don't view it in the first place
I think in some ways this is a good idea but it should not be based on age. I am 12. I do not mind the sight of blood nor the CR* words. I did not lie about my age, I just pretended my email was my parents email.
I am locked out of projects I am prepared to see. Can your suggestion fix that?
If so then I support. If not do not. That is all.
Wait, disregard my previous post.
Really, I think that I can handle bad words, considering that the kids in the back of the school bus cuss for practically the whole ride there.
It's really just the younger users that might have a problem. If they saw a cuss word in a project, they might ask their mom, "What does [insert swear here] mean?" Or they might repeat the word elsewhere.
But just because I could handle stuff like that doesn't mean that everyone can. Some people are very mature for their age, while some aren't.
I brought up this argument at the last moderator elections, because I really wanted to run, but couldn't because I was too young.
It's all about maturity, and that's what the problem is. As I said before, some are more mature than others.
I do not support.
Actually, I take back my post... maybe someone could get scratches script and run a scratch teen kinda website? ?
I made a new website!
How is it?
Last edited by FreshStudios (2012-04-06 18:53:43)
W00tage wrote:
B) Have an age verification that asks a few questions to determine age.
How is that possible?
Support! Sort of like Newgrounds.