Once I saw one on youtube, and I ran out of the office, all over the house, and I think I hit a wall.
Long story short: Screamers hurt.
Obviously, they're not good.
Twilight-Tak wrote:
I love watching really terrifying screamers on Youtube, but they just aren't right on Scratch. I agree, I do have a few in my favorites, but that was before this thread. And they aren't that scary. But all in all, I think they should be banned.
This is the effect it may have on our younger scratchers. Please dont do it.
About four years ago I was looking for Mario Kart Wii cheats. I was watching videos on a embedded player so I didn't know anything about them. There was a supposed "cheat" in Daisy Circuit that included boosting over a wall. I know now there is an invisible barrier there, but I was so excited at the time. I leaned in close to see the trick and the screamer popped up. I don't recommend watching it, but if you really want to...
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Last edited by Paddle2See (2012-06-06 15:31:08)
theres no problem with them
and its usually very obvious when its going to happen; and honestly i think ive seen a total of two
just ignore it. its not defying the TOU at all
Guys, it's a joke.
As long as whatever picture or sound they are using is Scratch appropriate, I think "making you jump" isn't terrible enough to banish.
You act like it's the plague of Scratch.
It's a joke that scared you for two seconds.
Does this belong in this forum?
PlutoIsHades wrote:
I HATE screamers.
They make me jump every time, and it's simply not funny.
i am the complete opposite of that
Not a big fan of them. That was an understatement.
Can I start a scratch group "Stop the Screamers!" ? You can be apart of it, to, if you like!
I do not know why people upload those. They freak the smarts out of me! There was one on flip note hattena where it showed a mario guy taking a mask off, and I never whatched the whole thing cuase I was pretty sure it was a screamer... O_O
A few screamers I've been scared by are usually optical illusions which the user asks you to look carefully at. That's one big clue - and read the comments too.
Never seen one, never wanna.
Yes, I agree on that one. But to the people who were referring screamers as rick rolls, they are not the same thing. They are kind of alike, but at the same time, they are not. Rick rolls are to be disappointing, because if you click a link saying something.. probably like You Just Won A Million Dollars! Click here to win a prize!, then you click it and then the rick roll comes up. But screamers, on the other hand, is to make you focus on a screen closely at something, and then to scare the living daylights at you by making a face from horror movie and then adding scary audio like a really loud high-pitched scream.
And there is a way to make sure it's a screamer. I don't get tricked by many screamers because I look at the comments. I make sure (if it's a video) to pause then read the comments, or if it's a scratch project I simply stop it by pressing the stop button.
And yes, I totally agree with you. Screamers are simply not cool.
Last edited by Wman3 (2012-04-18 19:27:17)
Ya I'm ok with rickrolls lol theyre funneh
Sir-cuit wrote:
PlutoIsHades wrote:
I HATE screamers.
They make me jump every time, and it's simply not funny.