H3ll0, !'m z4w!©K!1, 4ñd ! 4m H3r3 t0 g!v3 ¥0u 4 l!ñK t0 t4lK l!K3 4 H4x0r. ju$t g0 H3r3: g0 H3r3!
wH4t, 0ñl¥ ñ00b$ u$3 4 H4x0r tr4ñ$l4t0r. R34l 1337$ u$3 tH3!r 0wñ m!ñd.
1 4ctu477y 4m h4x0r . . .
n0 !m m0r3 h4x0r
!'m d4 H4x0rZ d4 m057!
fruit wrote:
1 1Z $0 1337. 1337133713371337133713371337 I R0XX0RZ JuR B0XX0RZ LOLOLOLOOLOL 1337133713371337133713371337
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=noob read the first definition.
l0l i waz g0nna say tha7 b4 i saw y0ur p0st
BWOG wrote:
fruit wrote:
1 1Z $0 1337. 1337133713371337133713371337 I R0XX0RZ JuR B0XX0RZ LOLOLOLOOLOL 1337133713371337133713371337
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=noob read the first definition.l0l i waz g0nna say tha7 b4 i saw y0ur p0st
M4Y|33 ! w4z g0!ng 2 s4i t4#t CUZ ! 4M $0 1337.
I can't believe people can't do this without the translator.
Well, I kind of can't... ^.o'
1m n0t k1dd1ng . . . 1m 4ctu477y 4 h4x0r
In order to compromise the security of the website, one must access the administrator page and insert a sql injection into the login fields.
</real hacker talk>
archmage wrote:
In order to compromise the security of the website, one must access the administrator page and insert a sql injection into the login fields.
</real hacker talk>
XD Now that is just awesome. And I shall show my greetings felicitations in return.
zawicki1fromyoutube wrote:
archmage wrote:
In order to compromise the security of the website, one must access the administrator page and insert a sql injection into the login fields.
</real hacker talk>XD Now that is just awesome. And I shall show my greetings felicitations in return.
archmage wrote:
In order to compromise the security of the website, one must access the administrator page and insert a sql injection into the login fields.
</real hacker talk>
I know almost nothing about website editing, so what does a sql injection do?
Code injections cause code to be run where is should not be run. This site for example, had an exploit where you could inject html code into the tags.
For more info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_injection
4rchm4g3 1s r1ght, but th1s 1s funn3r
There's SQL Injections, Port Exploiting, XSS attacks, and others. I can do the first and last. I don't want to name all the ways though you can hack a site . . .