Help to make Scratch more educational with LearningWizard. We currently have no projects which is why we need YOUR help! You can help fellow Scratchers learn by posting projects in LearningWizard. Just make an educational project that fits into one of the following categories:
Note: You NEED to know what you are talking about before you start creating educational projects!!! We can't have a 5 year-old making projects about algebra!
Make sure that the project title is totally related to what your project is about. In the project notes make sure that you have written the age of the students that your project is designed for. The instructions for how to use your program must also be included in the project notes.
After you have uploaded your project, add it to the category (gallery) that it belongs to.
To log into LearningWizard and help the Scratch community become better educated, you might want to know this information:
Thank you and we hope to see lots of educational projects soon!
Last edited by cheddargirl (2012-04-05 01:39:16)
That is so pro. Getting something that lots of people use and teaching people with it!
Good idea!
The information that we might want to know has been removed.
MrScoop wrote:
The information that we might want to know has been removed.
The new way is to go the Drop-Off gallery by LearningWizard and submit your projects. From there the best projects will be selected and added to the subject galleries. Start teaching!
Please no spamming the Drop-Off gallery. Thank you.