SiLeNtScRaTcH wrote:
pi3 wrote:
SiLeNtScRaTcH wrote:
Hey pi3! AWESOME BATTLING, MAN! Sorry if you wanted to keep battling, but I had to do something else. See ya on the battlefield some other time!
Yeah, I had to too. Hey, funny online story: I was playing on a team with 2 people who weren't very good, against a team of three japanese guys, (intimidating, right?) and we were losing (obviously) when I became pit. This was on the deset ruins place, so I hid in the top level corner, then I would just stay there and run away when a japanese guy came. Anyway, I was doing a pretty good job of hiding and running away because the game went on for a really long time. (I think it ended because of the time limit) The funny thing was, the people on my kept trying to fight the japanese guys, and would always be unsucessful. The other team's pit never came! After the match, I looked at the KO scores, and the guys on my team each had something like 8 or 9 deaths!
Man, those guys stink! (your teammates, I mean) They seriously got quite a beating. I always enjoy laying a beat-down on some Japanese gamers online, but those guys (your teammates) would've been happy to get one kill!
pi3 wrote:
SiLeNtScRaTcH wrote:
pi3, how about we just check the friend list to see if one of us is online from now on. I'm anticipating our next battle!
Okay, but I can't battle right now, my brother is using my 3DS.
Just watch the friend list, and we will meet again sometime.
Codebreaker wrote:
I looked at some gameplay; I honestly don't see what makes it so good. The graphics looked bad, and the controls seemed annoying. I might try it, just to see for my self, though.
For the 3DS, I think the graphics are quite good. The controls however take some getting used to, though. The real strength of this game is its amazing replay value. It's got so many weapons to collect, weapon fusing to make the best weapon, quite a long story mode, the fiend's cauldron, treasure hunt (achievements), AR cards, streetpass, and most importantly, online and local multiplayer, which uses weapons you get from the story mode. The music and voice acting in this game is quite awesome, too.
I'm most skilled with the Magnus Club, but I use the Insight Staff if I want a challenge.
fc 2578-3816-4248
I'm 0602-6432-2138. Name is Nick.
anyone else
need friend code for kid icarus!!!!!
I just finished it yesterday, and it's the best game on 3DS so far! The story is epic and the voice acting is awesome. And the weapons- so many to choose from! The multiplayer is awesome too - it's the best way to get stronger weapons, plus it's extremely fun! Here's my friendcode (I already added pi3): 4639-9048-3335
here's my fc 2578-3816-4248
epicepicman wrote:
I just finished it yesterday, and it's the best game on 3DS so far! The story is epic and the voice acting is awesome. And the weapons- so many to choose from! The multiplayer is awesome too - it's the best way to get stronger weapons, plus it's extremely fun! Here's my friendcode (I already added pi3): 4639-9048-3335
Yes, I agree completely . I'm on chapter 17, I think.
I've heard the controls are switched around in a way, so the X Y B A is for moving, and the gyro pad is to aim. Is this actually true?? That sounds pretty hard to get used to. Also I can see people are talking about orbitars, clubs and staffs, so nobody uses blades? Why not?
Thanking the Kid Icarus: Uprising Community,
JinnOfTheGale wrote:
I've heard the controls are switched around in a way, so the X Y B A is for moving, and the gyro pad is to aim. Is this actually true?? That sounds pretty hard to get used to. Also I can see people are talking about orbitars, clubs and staffs, so nobody uses blades? Why not?
Thanking the Kid Icarus: Uprising Community,
Actually, you use the circle pad to move, the stylus to aim, and the L button to shoot.
JinnOfTheGale wrote:
I've heard the controls are switched around in a way, so the X Y B A is for moving, and the gyro pad is to aim. Is this actually true?? That sounds pretty hard to get used to. Also I can see people are talking about orbitars, clubs and staffs, so nobody uses blades? Why not?
Thanking the Kid Icarus: Uprising Community,
pi3 is right, you can actually customize your controls to fit the playing style that you have. I use the a b x y buttons to move and the L button to shoot because I'm a lefty. So I aim with the stylus by using my left hand instead of my right. I'm looking into buying a Circle Pad Pro(a second circle pad that connects to the right side of the 3DS) but for now, I use the buttons.
pi3 wrote:
JinnOfTheGale wrote:
I've heard the controls are switched around in a way, so the X Y B A is for moving, and the gyro pad is to aim. Is this actually true?? That sounds pretty hard to get used to. Also I can see people are talking about orbitars, clubs and staffs, so nobody uses blades? Why not?
Thanking the Kid Icarus: Uprising Community,
JinnOfTheGaleActually, you use the circle pad to move, the stylus to aim, and the L button to shoot.
On the weapons subject, Jinn, blades are really beginners' weapons. They are decent in every stat, making them balanced and easy to use. They can be pretty wimpy sometimes, and as a result, can lose you many kills in battle. It's the weapons that are tricky to use (clubs and staffs included) that can be battle winners if used properly. To put it simply, blades lack possible potential, and that potential was replaced by the luxuries of being easy to use.
There are a few unique blades that do have potential, and can be battle winners when properly used, but my playing style fits with the clubs the best. Really, weapons are personal preference, but the blades are too well balanced to be very good in my opinion.
linkmaster9087 wrote:
need friend code for kid icarus!!!!!
LM, friend code for ya!
see you on the battlefield!
(i'll add you)
linkmaster, I added you, so you add me!
epicepicman, I added you, so you add me!
FC: 4768-7480-3491
nickbrickmaster, I added you, so you add me!
FC: 4768-7480-3491
added you all!!!!