Ok first i would like to apolagise this is not going to be very clear and i am rubbish at the scratch blocks.
My game is http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/gamesman12/2421546 this. I am working on lvl3. There is a boss to defeat but there's a problem somewhere.
As i am not good with the scratch blocks this is a screenshot of the script:
I don't know if it will help or not.
The problem is when the boss appears he moves a bit then stops moveing. I realize That the script might not make any sense and i am sorry for that but if anyone can try to help then it would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone wants me to upload level 3 that includes the boss and the problem then I will.
Thankyou very much I am very sorry if the script doesn't make any sense.
Woops sorry again but i just realised that the title of this topic doesn't match the subject. This is because I changed my mind on what i wanted to ask.
What do you want it to be called? Just click on the report button under your post and send a message to change the name.
naah its alright as long as people still notice it....i might have just fixed the problem but i am not sure
nope i havent fixed the problem i have no idea? should i upload level 3 so that if someone wants to they can have a look?