Have idea's for it?
I think you could create a court, and the player would have to move to get over to the ball. Then there would be a random number upon the ball's going to the other side. There would be 2/3 of a chance of the CPU getting it and a 1/3 of a chance of the CPU missing it. The script would look like this, for example:
when [left arrow] key pressed
move [-10] steps
if <touching Sprite1>
broadcast [got it]
broadcast [missed it]
SplatKirby wrote:
I think you could create a court, and the player would have to move to get over to the ball. Then there would be a random number upon the ball's going to the other side. There would be 2/3 of a chance of the CPU getting it and a 1/3 of a chance of the CPU missing it. The script would look like this, for example:
whenleft arrowkey pressedmove-10stepsiftouching Sprite1broadcastgot itelsebroadcastmissed it