i need to set up a script for my class about three aspect of me, and tell the story in scratch, i had no idea how to do this, can someone help me?
It would be very helpful if more detail was added . Scripting a whole game for you is pretty complex. There are quite some topics on how to do scratch. In a tiny bit I will post some in this post. Here are some:
Last edited by turkey3 (2012-03-30 14:25:08)
Easy! In Scratch, go to Backround, and create a new, blank backround. Go to Paint Editor and click on the T button. A small square will appear. Click and drag the square to the area you want your text to appear, click the T again, then type your 3 aspects. (If you run out of room, create a new backround and finish the typing on it.) One this is done, go the the Scripts section for Backrounds and create this script.
when [space v] key pressed next backroundNow, all you have to do is press space, and you can cycle through and present your aspects!