everybody's seen, done, or at least tried it. Make 3D space in scratch. The best everybody's done so far is stamped one costume on top of the other...
...but this is display.
Everyone probably wants to achieve 3D scratch, like a Minecraft achievement.
It seems impossible...
...but have no fear, because I have the answer, and that answer is:
Heheh, you thought i was joking, but this problem has been in the works of making games, like those of Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocrania of Time, and Kirby 64: Crystal Shards. This calculation brought us beyond and gave us 128, which gave us Super Mario Galaxy, both one and two, and the latest Zelda game, Skyward Sword.
The next section covers how it's done.
How it's done
OK, if everybody would reverse this problem to division, it'd look like this:
reverse the two last sections
and our number is 16
look at it it in this way
16 no.1 controls X, no.2 controls Y, no.3 controls Z, and no.4 throws all the calculations onto the screen.
Challenge time!
The Challenge
make something with what I just explained, I don't care if it's a lama riding on a water buffalo, it has to be something.
Good Luck!
This should probably be in help with scripts, or show and tell.