Does anybody have an idea for gravity scripts
ftf841 wrote:
foreverifnottouchingground ▼?change y by-something
Scratchblocks fixed.
This should do it
sety-velto0foreverif<absofy-vel0.1change y by-1ifnottouchingground ▼?changey-velby-0.2change y by1elsechange y byy-veliftouchingground ▼?sety-veltoy-vel*-0.5change y byy-veliftouchingground ▼?change y byy-vel
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2012-03-25 12:50:59)
MoreGamesNow wrote:
This should do it
sety-velto0foreverif<absofy-vel0.1change y by-1ifnottouchingground ▼?changey-velby-0.2change y by1elsechange y byy-veliftouchingground ▼?sety-veltoy-vel*-0.5change y byy-veliftouchingground ▼?change y byy-vel
Velocity isn't required, considering the question.
bobbybee wrote:
Velocity isn't required, considering the question.
Doesn't "gravity scripts" imply acceleration and velocity? In any case, I would prefer "gravity" with acceleration to a constant falling speed, and presumed that killersnowgoon1 would too.
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2012-03-25 13:18:24)
Velocity is probably better. If you can do it a better way, why not do it?
Greenatic wrote:
Velocity is probably better. If you can do it a better way, why not do it?
Well, the first script was a quarter of the size of the velocity script...
bobbybee wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
Velocity is probably better. If you can do it a better way, why not do it?
Well, the first script was a quarter of the size of the velocity script...
And will also get the sprite stuck in the ground, as well as falling at a constant velocity Just because my script is longer doesn't mean it is less effective or an incorrect answer.
MoreGamesNow wrote:
bobbybee wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
Velocity is probably better. If you can do it a better way, why not do it?
Well, the first script was a quarter of the size of the velocity script...
And will also get the sprite stuck in the ground, as well as falling at a constant velocity
Just because my script is longer doesn't mean it is less effective or an incorrect answer.
it works perfectly for me
ftf841 wrote:
it works perfectly for me
It does work if your goal is to make your sprite move downward until it hits the floor. But you'll end up "inside" the floor (you stop falling after you hit the ground), and you don't accelerate. Since the original post asked for gravity, I assumed acceleration.
If you are doing angry birds game, check out my "Help with parabolas, sine, cosine, and tangents" forum post under "help with scripts." It explains how to create gravity and shooting power.
foreveriftouching color ?ground coloursetyvel ▼to0elseifyvel>-20so you cant fall faster than 20 pixels per stepchangeyvel ▼by-0.1the higher this value, the faster you will fall. Experiment.change y byyvelwhen i receivejump ▼iftouching color ?setyvel ▼to20change y by20otherwise you will still be touching the ground and it won't work
Last edited by joefarebrother (2012-04-11 10:45:58)