Try clicking on the "Show all projects" link at the bottom of the page.
We are testing an experimental feature that allows people to see only projects that have been reviewed (to filter out projects with inappropriate content). When people select to see only reviewed projects, they don't see any comments. My guess is that your account is currently set to see only reviewed projects. If you click on the "Show all projects" link, you should see all projects (and comments) again.
Mitch Resnick (for the MIT Scratch Team)
The web site seems to be working again (an order of magnitude faster than yesterday).
Did you throw out the buggy filtering code?
Doodle67 wrote:
I don't know what happend but I cant see any comments on any projects can somebody help me
it could just be that something is wrong with your computer.
The problem is that filtering has been turned on.
Turn it off by clicking on "show all projects" at the bottom of a project or "my stuff" page, since the filtering doesn't work yet.