I have made two levels separately and they work fine. However when I bring them together, either by importing the project or by importing sprites, two adverse things happen. Firstly all the variables stop working and have to be replaced. Secondly, an more annoyingly, the game functions incredibly slowly even though it was working fine separately, it's as if the system just can't support it.
Can you please offer any support?
Are any of your scripts conflicting?
Maybe there is a way to make a next level button which stops all the scripts of the first level so that the second level scripts can run freely? Although I'm not sure how to do that without using the stop scripts function which ends the game.
When you combine games, you have to edit the scripts. I actually combined 4 of my own games into one once. The variables probably don't work because on each game you had a variable with the same name as the other, so it gets messed up because there are 2 variables with the same name. It's probably running slow because there are many sprites moving around all at once, but I'm not sure because I don't know what your game is like.
Last edited by turkey3 (2012-03-20 15:25:29)
scimonster wrote:
Are any of your scripts conflicting?
No they are completely independent with different variables excluding score.
The "stop script" block only ends the script it is in (not the entire project), and can be used to stop a script to allow other scripts to run more quickly.
Do they share broadcasts? Do two forever loops try to do the same or conflicting things? There is really a lot that can go wrong with such an operation, which is why creating it all in one project is easier. You can debug as you create it and there is not final "meshing", in which 101 things can go wrong