I have a list, it contains (for example) 567+9-sinx/5
How do I translate the equation from the list, all into one equation on one block
like this
please help!when I receiveturn into equation ▼put in scripts to help turn into one equation heresetvariable ▼to-567+9/sin ▼ofx5
You're going to have to use a script that looks a little something like this first:
Sorry...not quite finished, I have other stuff to do, sorry. Hopefully this at least helps a bit!when I receiveturn into equation ▼set# ▼to0repeatlength ofanswerchange# ▼by1ifsymbolscontainsletter#ofansweraddletterto#ofanswerops ▼elseiflast=Numreplace itemlast ▼ofnumbers ▼withitemelseaddletterto#ofanswernumbers ▼
Last edited by AtomicBawm3 (2012-03-19 23:37:05)
AtomicBawm3 wrote:
You're going to have to use a script that looks a little something like this first:
Sorry...not quite finished, I have other stuff to do, sorry. Hopefully this at least helps a bit!when I receiveturn into equation ▼set# ▼to0repeatlength ofanswerchange# ▼by1ifsymbolscontainsaddletterto#ofanswerops ▼elseiflast=Numreplace itemlast ▼ofnumbers ▼withitemelseaddletterto#ofanswernumbers ▼
What does symbols contain?
If someone can please explain this script to me and what it does, that would be helpful. I barely (if not at all) understand the scripts that I already make.
The best way I can describe it is with my own project . Read the scripts, it's easier programming then reading them though
Easier to understand
Harder to understand
Last edited by laptop97 (2012-03-20 18:30:55)
Thank you, I'll bump again if I don't know what to do.
Symbols would be a preset list you make containing the items:
then you can label each symbols "importance" in another list for PEMDAS to work...sorry, it's complicated, but could work.
I actually found a method (using laptop97's project). It will be based off of that, but a little more complicated since I am building a "grapher" project that one of the options for a graph is an equation.
Well, using an idea from laptop97's project I was able to finish one part of it. You can look at it here. Although some of the scripts will be kind of hard to understand.