Pi day's coming up! 3.14159265- or, in the case of Pi Day, 3.14159- that is, 3/14 1:59. Discuss PI Day.
maxskywalker wrote:
Pi day's coming up! 3.14159265- or, in the case of Pi Day, 3.14159- that is, 3/14 1:59. Discuss PI Day.
What about 3/14/16 when it comes? Besides that, happy π day!
Two people in my class have birthdays on Pi day
So many Pi birthdays!
Perhaps they had a huge celebration on March 14, 1592
(In the UK or wherever, do they celebrate Pi day on the 3rd day of.... oh wait nevermind. There's no 14th month)
I'm a fan of pi day as well. But this topic doesn't fit our forum posting guidelines. Perhaps you want to discuss it on a project.
...or you can talk pi on my Pi Day Gallery