I am in the process of figuring out and decoding slingshot engines. Once I can figure out the math, the project will have a "green light" as in it will be produced quickly. My question is what EDITIONS of Angry Birds Scratch should I make? I will gladly take suggestions.
IMPORTANT : There are already several versions that are going to come out. They are as follows :
Angry Birds Scratch Alpha - this will be the introductory version with 2 mini-episodes of 2 levels each (4 levels in total). It will look mostly like Angry Birds Free.
Angry Birds Scratch - the original classic with two planned episodes : Poached Eggs and the new Scrambled Eggs episode.
Angry Birds Scratch Holidays - features the Angry Birds in four different holiday episodes : New Year's Egg, Easter Eggs, Ham'O'Ween, and (the best of all) the Candy Cane episode.
ALSO: You will NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, see Angry Birds Scratch Rio
And lastly, I would like you to help make a decision on an edition that may or may not come out (I don't know yet) : Angry Birds Scratch Phineas and Ferb
Thank you,
Just make what you want to.
Make it like this.
Let me know when you are done with the game. I would like to have a preview. May be take me as a tester
IDK on the Phineas and Ferb, but I say make whatever you think will make you happy.
Paddle2see has a Christmas present shooting project and thy should help much with the slingshot