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Instead of forever, use "repeat until < >". When the statement in the < > becomes true, it will stop repeating.
I'm not sure how to help because I don't know what your scripts are... Probably something like this...?
when gf clicked forever if <touching [Bullet thing v]?> hide stop scriptEdit: Oh Greenatic beet me to it...
Last edited by Splodgey (2012-03-12 09:38:09)
Splodgey wrote:
I'm not sure how to help because I don't know what your scripts are... Probably something like this...?
when gf clicked forever if <touching [Bullet thing v]?> hide stop scriptEdit: Oh Greenatic beet me to it...
Actually, wih this script it wouldn't reappear because it stops the script, and there's no "show"
MaxFlyboy wrote:
when gf clicked forever if <touching [bullet v]?> hide wait (5) secs show end end
Scratchblocks fixed.
MaxFlyboy wrote:
I always have trouble with the "touching" block
Just remember that most booleans have a "?". (if you're referring to the scratchblocks)
turkey3 wrote:
Splodgey wrote:
I'm not sure how to help because I don't know what your scripts are... Probably something like this...?
when gf clicked forever if <touching [Bullet thing v]?> hide stop scriptEdit: Oh Greenatic beet me to it...Actually, wih this script it wouldn't reappear because it stops the script, and there's no "show"
It's not supposed to! The problem was that it DOES reappear.
Just use a stop script at the end
suchak wrote:
its a space invaders type game. but when you shoot the 'space invader' it just reappears, any solutions?
Nice Question, In my opinon you need to have this block:
stop script-Henwood
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Pages: 1