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#26 2009-05-02 21:34:37

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

I think you should put a rock move on garchomp to block ice, flying, some dragons, and fire types.



#27 2009-05-02 22:41:43

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

Grrrrr....Spent two hours getting a bagon with adamant nature.

I called it TsubasuYume(Well actually TsubasYume because of the character limit). Roughly translated, it means "Winged Dream" in japanese. I named it that because every Bagon wants to fly, according to the dex.

Last edited by floatingmagictree (2009-05-02 22:59:12)



#28 2009-05-03 07:19:15

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

floatingmagictree wrote:

I think you should put a rock move on garchomp to block ice, flying, some dragons, and fire types.

I'll think about that, it sounds like a great idea. Did you know that Garchomp can learn surf?



#29 2009-05-03 07:31:46

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

TheSaint wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

I think you should put a rock move on garchomp to block ice, flying, some dragons, and fire types.

I'll think about that, it sounds like a great idea. Did you know that Garchomp can learn surf?

You can put Thunderpunch to help with water types, but what happens when you encounter a Swampert with Ice Punch?

Hint: Teach Infernape Grass Knot. It is one of the most useful moves you can teach it.



#30 2009-05-03 08:27:36

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

TheSaint wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

I think you should put a rock move on garchomp to block ice, flying, some dragons, and fire types.

I'll think about that, it sounds like a great idea. Did you know that Garchomp can learn surf?

You can put Thunderpunch to help with water types, but what happens when you encounter a Swampert with Ice Punch?

Hint: Teach Infernape Grass Knot. It is one of the most useful moves you can teach it.

First, it depends on the level. I could probably just close-combat swampwert to death, or I could take out Garchomp with its great speed and attack power and use Draco Metoer a couple of times. Also, Grass knot works well for about the 5 water-ground pokemon out there, also the waters, rocks, and I can't remeber the other things its good against. However, Infernape already has Close cobat for rocks, and with thunder punch it can kill 95% of the waters it faces plus almost all flying as an added bonus. It attack power is not limited in the same way as grass knot.

Besides these are the only two on my team at the moment. Once I get the national dex, I will import alot of my ruby pokemon and train a great team.



#31 2009-05-03 10:59:08

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

TheSaint wrote:

djm111 wrote:

TheSaint wrote:

I'll think about that, it sounds like a great idea. Did you know that Garchomp can learn surf?

You can put Thunderpunch to help with water types, but what happens when you encounter a Swampert with Ice Punch?

Hint: Teach Infernape Grass Knot. It is one of the most useful moves you can teach it.

First, it depends on the level. I could probably just close-combat swampwert to death, or I could take out Garchomp with its great speed and attack power and use Draco Metoer a couple of times. Also, Grass knot works well for about the 5 water-ground pokemon out there, also the waters, rocks, and I can't remeber the other things its good against. However, Infernape already has Close cobat for rocks, and with thunder punch it can kill 95% of the waters it faces plus almost all flying as an added bonus. It attack power is not limited in the same way as grass knot.

Besides these are the only two on my team at the moment. Once I get the national dex, I will import alot of my ruby pokemon and train a great team.

It's also useful for all the Ground types. And if you are fighting the same level swampert, one close combat will not kill it, regardless of EV distribution.



#32 2009-05-03 19:09:44

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

TheSaint wrote:

djm111 wrote:

You can put Thunderpunch to help with water types, but what happens when you encounter a Swampert with Ice Punch?

Hint: Teach Infernape Grass Knot. It is one of the most useful moves you can teach it.

First, it depends on the level. I could probably just close-combat swampwert to death, or I could take out Garchomp with its great speed and attack power and use Draco Metoer a couple of times. Also, Grass knot works well for about the 5 water-ground pokemon out there, also the waters, rocks, and I can't remeber the other things its good against. However, Infernape already has Close cobat for rocks, and with thunder punch it can kill 95% of the waters it faces plus almost all flying as an added bonus. It attack power is not limited in the same way as grass knot.

Besides these are the only two on my team at the moment. Once I get the national dex, I will import alot of my ruby pokemon and train a great team.

It's also useful for all the Ground types. And if you are fighting the same level swampert, one close combat will not kill it, regardless of EV distribution.

Okay then, but if it is the same level as Gar-chomp, I higly doubt it will kill him in one shot either as its stats are better than any starters and any of the elemental punches are not too strong. (Like 70-90 attack power or somthing?) Anyways, right now I am going for Thunderpunch.

If anyone wants to battle, two level 59-63s will be welcome. I already posted my friend code. Just say the time.

Last edited by TheSaint (2009-05-03 19:10:10)



#33 2009-05-04 06:26:02

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

Let's talk about cool nicknames for our pokemon:

Tyranitar--BangiraRex. Bangiras is TTar's japanese name. I just added the Rex part cause it's a dinosaur.

Salamence--TsubasYume. Tsubasu means "winged" in Japanese, and Yume means "Dreamer." You know, because in bagon's dex entry it says every one wants to fly.

Ludicolo--Hombre. Yesh.

Rattata(FEAR strat)--Cuddles. I always pull this one on noobs online. It's SO fun to do!!! I can't believe that people still fall for this!!!

Aerodactyl--ZeroStryke.  Just sounds really cool. Oh, I'm sorry, kool.

Machamp--PAAAWNCH.  Inside joke.

Blissey--AWall4U. Blissey is a HUGE wall and is really useful in battle. Explains why it's in OU.

Drapion--Phazer. A phazer is a pokemon that uses Roar to pass on effects or change to a favorable pokemon.  This phazer is different, it has POISON SPIKES too.

Electrode--ShortFuse. Electrode explodes without warning, so that explains the entire name. ShortFuse also means short temper.

That's all I can right for now.



#34 2009-05-04 07:29:01

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

All the elemental punches are 75% power.
Super effective, it's 150% Power
But Garchomp has a 4x weakness to it because of his typing. So 300% power. stronger than selfdestruct.
And Swampert does have the stats to back up that move, I can assure you.

Last edited by djm111 (2009-05-04 07:29:51)



#35 2009-05-04 16:11:53

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

All the elemental punches are 75% power.
Super effective, it's 150% Power
But Garchomp has a 4x weakness to it because of his typing. So 300% power. stronger than selfdestruct.
And Swampert does have the stats to back up that move, I can assure you.

Eh, lets stop fighting about it. We won't know until we both have level 100's.

Anyways, those are some great names FMT. I loved cuddles.  tongue

Mine are:

Ghastly-King Boo



#36 2009-05-28 18:29:39

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

Hey, I am reviveing this thread! Lets keep it up now! (It was mostly my fault it died in the first place, but anyways...)

So I have a wish to battle someone. Three Pokemon, the option to automatic lvl 100. My team is:
Flare Blitz
Thunder Punch
Close Combat
Calm Mind(Doesn't do anything)

Garchomp (Gar-bye)
Dragon Claw
Dragon Rush

Swampwert (Need a name, any sugestions?)
Ice punch
Take down

Thats my team so far. The moves will probably switch though.

I could also use a ditto, for breeding if anyone is willing to give me one.
P.S. I have beaten the Elite Four now. 3 times so far.



#37 2009-05-28 18:48:41

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

I can play you.
Lemme just go check my FC and team.

I can tell you one of my pokemon:
Ice Punch
Brick Break

Last edited by djm111 (2009-05-28 18:59:28)



#38 2009-05-28 19:30:15

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

I can play you.
Lemme just go check my FC and team.

I can tell you one of my pokemon:
Ice Punch
Brick Break

Sure, How about tommorow, 4:00 pm Eastern?

I will be on then anyways.



#39 2009-05-28 19:49:16

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

TheSaint wrote:

djm111 wrote:

I can play you.
Lemme just go check my FC and team.

I can tell you one of my pokemon:
Ice Punch
Brick Break

Sure, How about tommorow, 4:00 pm Eastern?

I will be on then anyways.

Errrrrm.......... Probably, thats around 9 pm for me. I should be able to. Now just to choose the other two pokemon XD



#40 2009-05-29 06:20:09

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

TheSaint wrote:

djm111 wrote:

I can play you.
Lemme just go check my FC and team.

I can tell you one of my pokemon:
Ice Punch
Brick Break

Sure, How about tommorow, 4:00 pm Eastern?

I will be on then anyways.

Errrrrm.......... Probably, thats around 9 pm for me. I should be able to. Now just to choose the other two pokemon XD

I will be around a little earlier too, I just thought that that was when you usually came on. Anyways, I will probably lose, seeing as my pokemon arn't at level 100 yet, (70,73,62)
and I haven't EV Trained them at all.

See you then!



#41 2009-05-29 06:23:02

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

I'm on now, but I'm checking my pokemon on Pearl etc. first to see who I can use.

EDIT: I'm ready when you are.

Last edited by djm111 (2009-05-29 06:36:06)



#42 2009-05-29 14:54:11

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

I'm on now, but I'm checking my pokemon on Pearl etc. first to see who I can use.

EDIT: I'm ready when you are.

Yeah, That was in the morning, before school for me. I am good now though, until 10:30 ish your time. Just leave a post.



#43 2009-05-29 15:04:19

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

I'm ready now. Now getting my FC.
FC: 4596 8686 8463

Last edited by djm111 (2009-05-29 15:07:47)



#44 2009-05-29 15:10:17

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

I'm ready now. Now getting my FC.
FC: 4596 8686 8463

Here, give me 10-20 minutes, as I am in the middle of the elite four. Will get out soon.



#45 2009-05-29 15:12:13

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

TheSaint wrote:

djm111 wrote:

I'm ready now. Now getting my FC.
FC: 4596 8686 8463

Here, give me 10-20 minutes, as I am in the middle of the elite four. Will get out soon.

OK. I've already added your FC from the front page. Just say when you're ready to battle.
btw, I'm not using Electivire this time round.



#46 2009-05-29 15:15:34

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

Okay, i will.

My lvl 73 Garchomp is getting owned by a lvl 54 bronzong at the moment, and I am getting very angry at it.  tongue  I killed it finally by spamming dragon rush and then went on to kill every other one of his pokemon with crunch.

Should we use 3 or 6 pokemon?

Last edited by TheSaint (2009-05-29 15:16:17)



#47 2009-05-29 15:18:45

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

TheSaint wrote:

Okay, i will.

My lvl 73 Garchomp is getting owned by a lvl 54 bronzong at the moment, and I am getting very angry at it.  tongue  I killed it finally by spamming dragon rush and then went on to kill every other one of his pokemon with crunch.

Should we use 3 or 6 pokemon?

I'll do 3, to face your best 3.



#48 2009-05-29 15:21:54

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

TheSaint wrote:

Okay, i will.

My lvl 73 Garchomp is getting owned by a lvl 54 bronzong at the moment, and I am getting very angry at it.  tongue  I killed it finally by spamming dragon rush and then went on to kill every other one of his pokemon with crunch.

Should we use 3 or 6 pokemon?

I'll do 3, to face your best 3.

Okay. What would be the average level of your pokemon?



#49 2009-05-29 15:22:44

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

TheSaint wrote:

djm111 wrote:

TheSaint wrote:

Okay, i will.

My lvl 73 Garchomp is getting owned by a lvl 54 bronzong at the moment, and I am getting very angry at it.  tongue  I killed it finally by spamming dragon rush and then went on to kill every other one of his pokemon with crunch.

Should we use 3 or 6 pokemon?

I'll do 3, to face your best 3.

Okay. What would be the average level of your pokemon?




#50 2009-05-29 15:24:03

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: Pokemon Platinum Thread

djm111 wrote:

TheSaint wrote:

djm111 wrote:

I'll do 3, to face your best 3.

Okay. What would be the average level of your pokemon?


Okay. Lets use the option to turn my pokemon to 100 for the battle, as Mine is like 70.
5 more min.



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