Please click the link to the right. Is there a possible way to determine the second place car? Thanks for helping!
I would put this script in every car:
When I receive [race begin] wait until <touching [finish line v]?> if<(first)=[unknown]> set [first] to [car number] else if<(second)=[unknown]> set [second] to [car number] end endAnd put this anywhere:
When I receive [race begin] set [first] to [unknown] set [second] to [unknown]
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2012-03-11 22:30:42)
I will try this when I get a chance. Thanks for the response!
MoreGamesNow wrote:
I would put this script in every car:
When I receive [race begin] wait until <touching [finish line v]?> if<(first)=[unknown]> set [first] to [car number] else if<(second)=[unknown]> set [second] to [car number] end endAnd put this anywhere:When I receive [race begin] set [first] to [unknown] set [second] to [unknown]
Better way:
When I receive [race begin v] wait until <touching [finish line v]?> add [car number] to [finished v]and
When I receive [race begin v] delete [all v] of [finished v]that way, to find out who was in a position use
(item (Position) of [finished v])
Last edited by Splodgey (2012-03-12 07:51:53)
how to make this script stop sprite for 26 seconds
I concur with Splodgey. His/her way is better.
Ok, thank you so much for the help!!!