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I always been against copying but it never happend to me until today when Forest s decided to copy my project callled lightshow, which I worked really hard on. Ffor him to come and just download and take the credit sucks and really makes me mad. So there should be an option to allow people to choose whether or not their project should be downloadable. I know some people want to learn but with the copiers here I think it's needed and don't see any cons to this idea.
I realise your upset about this but anyone copying a project receives no credit.
In fact, the opposite happens - you receive the credit that your project was considered good enough to copy.
If people find the copied project, they will see that it was based on yours and they will check your original project out.
Once they see that nothing has been added by the copier, they won't bother looking at any more of their projects but will check yours out instead :-)
Share and enjoy and just ignore blatant copiers - no publicity for them is the best way forward.
And remember they might just have accidently re-published your project my mistake :-)
Yes it stinks. The copier is just looking for attention. But yes, in anyone looks at the copy, they will see the tag that says you made the project and come to your version.
Anyways, I think it is a very good project!
Ok i looked at both projects he put differnt stuff into itand made it better
Well if it changed it is technically not copying.
Remixing is part of the spirit of Scratch. You should be flattered that someone remixed your project!
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