Peace on Earth, my personal goal in life. In recent days, people have felt very small like they can't make a change, with large things happening, such as Kony 2012 and the protesting in Libya and Syria. If you like world peace, please view this project, love it, remix it, and sign it. Some people want world peace, but don't know how to help. The first step towards creating world peace is to lead a peaceful life. Signing this is a way to pledge yourself towards a peaceful life. To sign, simple download the project, open up the signature sprite, and add your name to the list. If the list fills up, simply create a new row.
What does it mean to pledge for peace? When you sign your pledge for peace, please repeat the following to yourself:
1. I swear to never commit violent acts such as harming another person out of anger (having a bit of fun wrestling with your buddies is a completely peaceful thing to do.)
2. I swear not to promote violence in any way shape of form.
3. I promise never to posess a firearm of any sorts, which leads to the promotion of war.
4. I promise not to judge a man by his mistakes of the past, or the mistakes he may make in the future, but merely by how he acts in the moment.
5. I promise to judge a man as much for the color of his skin as I judge him for the color of his hair.
I believe if the majority of people follow the above, we can make world peace. This cannot be done in my lifetime, or my childrens lifetime, but I hope to pass this onto my grandchildren, so they may one day make peace on earth
Last edited by lukanater (2012-03-08 20:39:57)
Okay, I want to ask you a very important question, since I already know where I am going. Would you die in a situation promoting world peace? And if so, would you know where your going? These are very important questions, And they will show where you stand in world peace. I am sorry if I sound like I am against world peace. I am very angry when people say what they want to do, then when it comes to the time, will they do it? The same stands with world peace. Originally, people in the 1900's that where hippies, believed in world peace. And now, many more people want it. But how much? Ask someone from the holacaust about what they think. Or someone in the battlefield. I bet they will say they want it, but it's not possible. I know how you feel about world peace, but true peace is through Jesus Christ. The only person who died without blemish. Without sin. And I know if lots of people follow world peace, it will start to be a problem. They will start mobs, and protest. And eventually, violence will break out. Where is peace then? I am a Christian. I am not gonna force Christianity on you. And I am not gonna make you say a pledge. I am not a boyscout about where my faith is. I will boldly talk about it, if God tells me to. I am NOT a Mormon either. I believe these religions blind us to what is really going around us. Even world peace. I am sorry if you think I am annoying. If you have a Bible please read Revelations chapter 15. Don't stop on my account. I will pray for you and I will view alot of your projects. one of my favorites is the fps you made. BYE!
Thank you Harry! I'm not Christian, I'm a new age Buddhist, but I believe my grandmother owns a bible. On the thing about if I would give my life if I were given the choice, I've actually been arrested before for being at a peaceful protest against the Iraq War, as well as while I was feeding homeless people for an organization called food not bombs. I'm very devoted to my cause. I would also like to add to the people that someone can find peace through is Buddha, who I believe was reincarnated as Jesus Christ, but whatever you opinion is, I respect it. People have also seen many other amazing things as not possible, but they have happened. We are also very close to world peace. We are not in war with Europe, and probably will never be. I think that if one day every country joins the UN, we may be able to create world peace.
I agree wholeheartedly with points one and five, but have slight issues with 2-4. Allthough I would never encourage starting a war, I understand the reasons for it. And if we have been attacked, we have to fight back, or we will be conquered. Possesion of a firearm doesn't provoke war, and actually serves as a detterent to other people commiting violent acts against you, because they know you can defend yourself. Sometimes it is best to judge a man by is past and current actions together, as they may only be putting on a front to trick you. However, I believe world peace will have been achieved for your children, but not by men. There will never be TRUE peace until the Millenial reign of Christ.