Hey, guys what is scratch? I don't even know what to do)
Scratch is a programming language designed to help children learn programming basics. To use it (assuming you have downloaded the program) , drag blocks into the scripting area and connect them together to make scripts that tell a sprite what to do.
Try out this script!
when gf clicked say [Scratch is cool!] for (2) secs repeat (10) turn ccw (10) degrees end
Err, now that's a vague question. Scratch is a community of programmers, artists, musicians, artists, all of whom work together using a program called Scratch, too, to make projects, which are like interactive YouTube videos, which can be anything from Nitrome-worthy games to tutorials to fractal plotters. It's also the epicest website on the internet in my opinion.
Hardmath123 wrote:
It's also the epicest website on the internet in my opinion.
EDIT: changed 1 to Infinity to show my true feelings.
Last edited by technoboy10 (2012-03-07 09:42:04)
Do you honestly expect us to be able to explain it in one post?
The program is basically a user-friendly drag-n-drop interface for making your programs. Snapping blocks together will make them run from top to bottom. "hat blocks" (blocks that can't be placed below other blocks, like "when green flag clicked" or "when [space] key pressed") run the script beneath them when certain events happen.
For instance: click the default Scratch Cat sprite and put this script in
when gf clicked change x by (5) wait (1) secs say [Hello World!] for (2) secs change x by (-5)Then click the green flag (upper right hand corner). The sprite shoudl move right 5 pixels, wait one second, say "Hello World!" for 2 seconds, and then move back. Using more scripts and more intricate coding, it is possible to make a wide assortment of projects, from animations to games. You can share them online to receive praise, criticism, and help from the Scratch community.
there are things on scratch that tell you what it is. Basically it's an animation/game making program. It's simple to do. No complex leyouts for rocket scientists