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i am trying to use a sprite for another program, game maker pro 7.0 by yoyo games. the spite maker i have to use on that program sucks so i got scrach. one problem. whenever i try to put a scrach sprite on to the game maker program, i cant find it ( it being the sprite i made on scrach). whats going on? can i get the two programs to work or am i off the deep end?
I don't think you can put scratch sprites into game maker.
Scratch *costumes* are just images, but scratch *sprites* are collections of costumes and scripts. The costumes are easily ported between applications, but the scripts are not.
kevin_karplus wrote:
Scratch *costumes* are just images, but scratch *sprites* are collections of costumes and scripts. The costumes are easily ported between applications, but the scripts are not.
You always put everything so well, kevin.
After many years of computer programming, being precise comes naturally to me.
It may also help that I used to teach technical writing classes, and so became aware of how many ways there were to write badly.
I've seen more promising careers derailed by an inability to write English fluently than for any problems with math, engineering, programming, or research skills.
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