Will Scratch 2.0 be 64-bit?
2.2GB seems very little for a programming language that has to deal with so many graphics.
Depends on whether you have 64-bit Flash (does that exist?)
veggieman001 wrote:
Depends on whether you have 64-bit Flash (does that exist?)
Apparently yes.
That's what I must have installed now.
You know, this is actually a good point, has anyone thought about contacting st? My forum is great 'cause we got someone from st commenting there.
JJi7skyline contact st see what they have to say, because there will be your answer!
If scratch is soon going to be 64-bit...
...an idea of mine is to try a whack at replicating the Nintendo 64.
How is it done, how did the Nintendo 64 make 3D?
simple. It's how all 3D games are made divide 64 by 4, what do you get?
now how is this number important?
one 16 deals with x, another with y, and lastly another with z. Then the last 16 draws it all, or throws all the calculations of the x, y, and z 16's on the screen.
If somebody could do this on the 32-bit scratch, I'd be impressed