Guys, could you look at my project here? I want it to be so that when the left arrow button is pushed, the cursor moves left one.
If you download it, type some stuff into FootNote, and push the left arrow key a couple of times, you'll see the glitch. These lists seem very advanced to me, so that is why I'm putting this here. Anyway, please DOWNLOAD and look at it, and see if you can find the glitch. I'm really at a loss as to what to do.
hm...well, the thing I would do is make two variables that store the string in front of the cursor and the string behind it. Then you use the script:
(join(pre-cursor) (join[|] (post-cursor)))I think that'd work pretty might be a tad hard to modify the strings though...still, I don't see an easier way.
Last edited by AtomicBawm3 (2012-03-05 23:26:35)
AtomicBawm3 wrote:
hm...well, the thing I would do is make two variables that store the string in front of the cursor and the string behind it. Then you use the script:
(join(pre-cursor) (join[|] (post-cursor)))I think that'd work pretty might be a tad hard to modify the strings though...still, I don't see an easier way.
I did that, but my problem is getting post-cursor to read the second list correctly.
C'mon guys!
Seems like you need to inject a string inside another string at a specific point.
set[inject] to (answer) set [front] to () set [i] to (0) repeat(cursor location) change [i] by (1) set [front] to (join(front)(letter (i) of (line of text))) end set [back] to () repeat((length of (line of text))-(cursor location)) change [i] by (1) set [back] to (join(front)(letter (i) of (line of text))) end set [new line of text] to (join (join (front)(inject))(back))That should do it. There may be some glitches to work out. If it doesn't work just ask.
Last edited by MoreGamesNow (2012-03-09 20:36:25)
Im on my iPod so I can't look