If I use the forums to transfer from phone to scratch!? In the notes section, I put a list of nouns and adJectives and I really need to transfer them onto scratch! My phone won't support Scratch! What should I do?
Last edited by coolhogs (2012-03-04 12:02:13)
I don't understand?
Could you say it more clearly? I'm not sure what you mean...
coolhogs wrote:
muppetds wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
Could you say it more clearly? I'm not sure what you mean...
he wonts to copy the words from his pc to his phone
Just the opposite of whAt you said!
You want to copy those into a Scratch project? All right, you'll have to use lists.
1. Save a set of those words (such as the nouns) as a .txt file.
2. Make a list.
3. Show the list.
4. Right-click the list and select "import..."
5. Select your .txt file.
Each line will become an item of the list.
I think he wants to post it here...
bobbybee wrote:
I think he wants to post it here...
He does, but this isn't the place for it.
He can always use Dropbox instead, though.
That's not really what the forums are for. I'm sure we can think of a better way to transfer stuff from you phone to your computer than bouncing them off the forums. Why not send yourself an email? Or use Dropbox?
coolhogs wrote:
Mods, close this!
If you want them to close it, report the first post and explain it in the description.