You can't. Double clicking alternates the format between three pre-defined formats, but you can't make your own. You can change the color by "hacking", but that's about it (to the best of my knowledge), though I presume if you got into the actual Squeak code you could change just about anything.
First, turn fill screen off (Shift-Click the loop in the R in the Scratch Logo and press turn fill screen off)
Make sure you variable is showing and Alt click the variable until in Pink below it it says WatcherReadoutFrame. Click the red button at the top, choose change color in the menu, and choose your color! Then click the X on the color selector. You can turn fill screen on the same way you turned it off.
funelephant wrote:
First, turn fill screen off (Shift-Click the loop in the R in the Scratch Logo and press turn fill screen off)
Make sure you variable is showing and Alt click the variable until in Pink below it it says WatcherReadoutFrame. Click the red button at the top, choose change color in the menu, and choose your color! Then click the X on the color selector. You can turn fill screen on the same way you turned it off.
Wow it worked Thank you.