This has been suggested more than enough times by a lot of users: it is possible to make minimal 3d, but with a lot of experience. The Scratch team, suffice it to say, does not have the time or resources to add a z axis.
You can make kind of 3d's like the lego builder. So you can but it's not as easy as pressing a 3d/2d button.
reddy360 wrote:
can you make it 3d like roblox
*sigh* Not to be mean, but this needs a page on the FAQ with a big "NO." on it.
This has been suggested already a zillion times, but Scratch will NEVER have it.
If you want to create 3D programs, just stick to ROBLOX, or use StarLogo TNG, which is also made by MIT students:
technoguyx wrote:
reddy360 wrote:
can you make it 3d like roblox
*sigh* Not to be mean, but this needs a page on the FAQ with a big "NO." on it.
This has been suggested already a zillion times, but Scratch will NEVER have it.
If you want to create 3D programs, just stick to ROBLOX, or use StarLogo TNG, which is also made by MIT students:
ROBLOX may be a bad idea since Telamon made Lua scripting more complex.
frogger3140 wrote:
technoguyx wrote:
reddy360 wrote:
can you make it 3d like roblox
*sigh* Not to be mean, but this needs a page on the FAQ with a big "NO." on it.
This has been suggested already a zillion times, but Scratch will NEVER have it.
If you want to create 3D programs, just stick to ROBLOX, or use StarLogo TNG, which is also made by MIT students: may be a bad idea since Telamon made Lua scripting more complex.
Not Telamon. David Bazsucki, Eric Cassel, and other people also created the game.
At first I've started to use Scratch to make a 3d man , like in this cctv design tool together with my son.
But Starlogo TNG looks like a good solution for 3d programming. Thanks!
3D? I think it should be able to handle 2D better first.
technoguyx wrote:
reddy360 wrote:
can you make it 3d like roblox
*sigh* Not to be mean, but this needs a page on the FAQ with a big "NO." on it.
This has been suggested already a zillion times, but Scratch will NEVER have it.
If you want to create 3D programs, just stick to ROBLOX, or use StarLogo TNG, which is also made by MIT students:
I know this might puut some people off, but i have tryed star logo TNG, it is mind bogglingly hard to understand, how to make a project out of it.
markyparky56 wrote:
technoguyx wrote:
reddy360 wrote:
can you make it 3d like roblox
*sigh* Not to be mean, but this needs a page on the FAQ with a big "NO." on it.
This has been suggested already a zillion times, but Scratch will NEVER have it.
If you want to create 3D programs, just stick to ROBLOX, or use StarLogo TNG, which is also made by MIT students: know this might puut some people off, but i have tryed star logo TNG, it is mind bogglingly hard to understand, how to make a project out of it.
Yep, I'm afraid it's a bit harder than Scratch.
P.S: Did anyone notice "that brick-based MMORPG" is filtered out?
technoguyx wrote:
P.S: Did anyone notice "that brick-based MMORPG" is filtered out?
You mean r o b l o x?
Wow yes, it is! lol
LOL i beat the system! intresting why you cant say it, roblox roblox r o b l o x roblox roblox
lol, it ain't filltered any more
Last edited by markyparky56 (2009-07-13 06:37:57)
archmage wrote:
3D? I think it should be able to handle 2D better first.
Implement AppleScript? Quartz Composer?
<repeat( 25
<say[ Hello World!
repeat 25 times display dialog "Hello World!" end repeat end
AppleScript has almost all Scratch functions and can control applications.
tell application "Finder" to shut down -- shut down the computer end
Almost any mac can compile AppleScript!
Also, there's Quartz Composer(only available with Xcode package) in which users can hook up blocks to do cool 2D and 3D stuff.
Last edited by frogger3140 (2009-07-10 20:18:15)
Actually, scratch would run rather well in 3D. You see, there is a full 3D engine in squeak. scratch would just need to tap into this.
billyedward wrote:
Actually, scratch would run rather well in 3D. You see, there is a full 3D engine in squeak. scratch would just need to tap into this.
really!! wow, where did you find that out? i really want to do some 3D scratching, but i find it really hard to understand blender, but im trying, but that not important, squeak can handle 3D... wow...