I've just started teaching using Scratch as an animation tool but I wondering what is a good way of making animations flow.
I start by makiing click the green flag setup all sprites and background to starting positions/states and then I set space bar to start the action.
This is fine if only only sprite, but usually along the way, a second sprite needs to start doing things.
The "best" method I've come up with is to use a broadcast to tell the next sprite to start animating but I feel there should/could/must be a "better" way - some sort of timing script thingy!
Any ideas (and links to projects that show them in action please)
This is to teach age 10/11 pupils how to use Scratch as a storytelling tool
You can use the timer block in the sensing category to accomplish this. Perhaps you might have a script like this:
when gf clicked wait until <(timer) > [4.99]> say [Animations rock!]
The problem I have with that approach is that if you change one sprites timing sequence, you then have to alter any subsequent events on other sprites to match the timing back up again.
The broadcast method doesn't have that problem (But I just feel there must be a better way )
Broadcasts would be best in that case, then. How about this approach:
when gf clicked wait until <(timer) > [4.99]> say [Animations rock!] when [sprite2] clicked reset timer
I'm looking for the ability to just set the whole animation rolling with one action so that it plays back like a video
SimpleScratch wrote:
I'm looking for the ability to just set the whole animation rolling with one action so that it plays back like a video
So you want it to restart?
I would use something like this (assuming you've made a variable called "variable"):
when gf clicked set [variable v] to [0] forever wait until <(variable)=(1)> show say [hi] for (3) secs set [sprite 2 showing? v] to [yes] endFrom what you're describing, you will probably have to use the timer and variables, along with
wait until <>, the
repeat until <>
Last edited by Mokat (2012-03-02 09:23:02)
I'd do it this way with at least one animating sprite:
when gf clicked say [Hello!] for (1) secs wait (3) secs say [I love that present! Thanks!] for (1) secs // and so onSPRITE2
when gf clicked wait (1) secs say [Hey there!] for (1) secs switch to costume [finding present v] wait (1) secs switch to costume [got a present v] say [Look at this!] for (1) secsUsing the wait block, you can tell SPRITE1 to wait while SPRITE2 talks, and after SPRITE2 has finished, SPRITE1 talks. This continues for as long as you want.
Last edited by rdococ (2012-03-02 09:31:21)
SimpleScratch wrote:
The problem I have with that approach is that if you change one sprites timing sequence, you then have to alter any subsequent events on other sprites to match the timing back up again.
The broadcast method doesn't have that problem (But I just feel there must be a better way )
For the timer method to work in a way that would let you edit easily you could save all of the timings into a list and then set them based on the previous item.
replace item [2] of [Timings v] with <<item [1]of [Timings v]> + [0.5]>Where 0.5 is the time taken by the previous part of the animation.
Last edited by Smozzick (2012-03-02 11:46:37)