A game where you run a mcdondalds
hungergamesfanatic wrote:
eventexception wrote:
Btw. i need field research why so many obese people gave up on trying.
Top 10 reasons: http://madfatwoman.hubpages.com/hub/Top-Reasons-People-Give-Up-on-Weight-Loss
There you go![]()
bananaman99 wrote:
A game where you run a mcdondalds
I believe doubleburgers and sparkling water are okay.
With other products from these franchises i have doubts regarding weight loss
hungergamesfanatic wrote:
Or you could do something like you go around the house and try to find unhealthy foods. And every time you find one you have a little message saying why it is unhealthy but you can still eat it once in a while, like I Spy.
That's a great idea. I support it.
Also, let me say that weight loss is not just about healthy food. It's about exercise. You don't get trim hindquarters by sitting on them all day. Weight loss is a combination of exercise, diet, and improvement/regulation of other aspects of life such as sleep and stress.
coppearlix wrote:
...Also, let me say that weight loss is not just about healthy food. It's about exercise...
It is either about calorie restriction or a fat burning metabolism, better both.
Exercise is helpful but not needed. Exercise is overrated.
Think of one billion (!) starving people, these are never obese over time.
How not to cook for weight loss, worth reading:
Exercise boosts metabolism, burns fat, AND uses up calories. Exercise is NOT overrated.
eventexception wrote:
hungergamesfanatic wrote:
eventexception wrote:
Btw. i need field research why so many obese people gave up on trying.
Top 10 reasons: http://madfatwoman.hubpages.com/hub/Top-Reasons-People-Give-Up-on-Weight-Loss
There you go![]()
No problemo.
Thanks to all users for your input and opinions
I have to condense ideas now and start coding...
Any public domain resources for food sprites and sounds?
I think of real public domain, best without registration.
eventexception wrote:
Thanks to all users for your input and opinions
I have to condense ideas now and start coding...
Any public domain resources for food sprites and sounds?
I think of real public domain, best without registration.
I believe everything on Wikimedia Commons is public domain...they have some food images that you could make into sprites
I'm curious about what kind of food related sounds you are interested in though...chewing?
Why wheat, even whole-grain wheat might be bad for many people...
http://www.vancouversun.com/health/empo … story.html - worth reading!
Contrary to the grain-part of improved nutritional guidelines stated in
How healthy is the ´healthy eating plate´ ? One quarter goes to grains...
I will try Dr. Davis suggested five days ´wheat-free´ sooner or later,
but what lasts on my (games) plate? ... so probably later
It's true that wheat is not as nutritionally valuable as, say, quinoa, but carbs are still an essential part of the average human diet, especially for athletes. And that scientist was accusing modern wheat, not any other grain specifically... A bit of that makes sense, but I'd be careful about implementing it anywhere.
coppearlix, i doubt you read this short article i linked to
Dr. Davis wrote ´recommending ALL grain carbohydrates be treated with caution´
Athletes get only an extra power boost by carbs during endurance sports like a marathon, during the competition.
Proteins are needed to build up muscles, not carbs.
Some athletes and excercise fans dont get this and get outsmarted.
Any known projects (link to?) combining action with texts to read for in game promotion?
eventexception wrote:
coppearlix, i doubt you read this short article i linked to
Dr. Davis wrote ´recommending ALL grain carbohydrates be treated with caution´
Athletes get only an extra power boost by carbs during endurance sports like a marathon, during the competition.
Proteins are needed to build up muscles, not carbs.
Some athletes and excercise fans dont get this and get outsmarted.
In fact I did read it and my post was directly in response to it. I doubt you read that short post I made.
And excuse me, but carbs are not "an extra power boost," they are power itself. Most stuff you eat has carbs in it, even if it's not grain. Vegetables have carbs. Candy has carbs. All sugar is carbohydrates. These are the body's basic fuel, like gas for a car. One does not live without carbs. Do you understand this?
Any real athlete knows that carbs, proteins, and fats must all be taken into account (and vitamins.) Your lack of appreciation for carbs shocks me as it would shock any real endurance athlete.
Last edited by coppearlix (2012-02-16 18:13:46)
http://www.foodscience-avenue.com/2008/ … o-our.html
About diet and weight: So many studies that I can't list them off the top of my head have proved that it's not just how much fat you eat, but what kind of fat (unsaturated is better), that it's not just how much meat you eat, but what animal (fish are generally better than red meat; vegetarian is good), and that eating nasty chemicals and processed, "refined" white sugar and wheat is a far more relevant and growing health problem than simply eating a particular food group.
I rest my case.
I searched for existing projects...
please add any project suitable by content OR platform
in the comments there.
A cool existing platform might be something completely different -
imagine the text and image contents being replaced with stuff discussed here
...searched for existing projects...
Thanks again to all contributors !
Now somebody - maybe you - has to add or write more projects for.
Picking a single issue for a project is less overwhelming. See edited first post.
The point is not a game to become obese, it's a game to raise awareness of obesity and its terrible side effects so that people can learn to live in a healthier way
Rise of the LIFESTYLE NUTRITIONISTS by Ben Goldacre, known for his book Bad Science
(sounds like rise of the silver surfer XD )
videogame9 wrote:
It'd be like a platformer. You could eat fattening foods, or non-fattening foods.
If you're skinny, you could fit into small spaces. If you're fat, you could roll around and break breakable surfaces and survive in cold water and crush enemies with your fatness.
But if you get fat, you won't be able to jump.
If you get way too fat, you explode and lose a life.
That's... that's horrible
Event exception if you are advocating a balanced nutritional diet fine..
but obesity is a complex medical problem which is treated by certain elements in the media in a blase un informed way.. certain things wrongly stigmatise people who have medical conditions.. which cause weight gain..despite following a more than balanced diet. And this happens quite a lot.. Anyone treating it as simply that people causing obesity by simply overeating.. eg a self induced condition that seems to burden health budgets etc..is helping to cause a lot of people a lot of emotional distress.. A lot.
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/13/world/asia/13fat.html link to
http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/30/spreading-fat-stigma-around-the-globe link to
@paintsplat: True, some medical conditions trigger obesity - unfair to stigmatize.
Any idea for a short disclaimer?
Last edited by eventexception (2012-03-29 05:40:25)