When I tried to rename a sprite, on entering a new name it was suddenly typing right to left. That is "etirps", when I typed "sprite". It does not happen every time, but I was able to reproduce the bug (?) one time.
Using Firefox 10.0.2
No languages like Hebrew installed.
@Jens & nXIII
I make a very simple application, without the instruction SET PEN COLOR TO. It can be Saved/Loaded with no problem. If I add one instruction SET PEN COLORI to the same application , then Save does not work. I get the Error message " Save failed : Type Error.object.toXML is not a function". If I try to save it again, I get the Saved! message, but then the application can't be Loaded anymore.
Jutros wrote:
When I tried to rename a sprite, on entering a new name it was suddenly typing right to left. That is "etirps", when I typed "sprite". It does not happen every time, but I was able to reproduce the bug (?) one time.
Using Firefox 10.0.2
No languages like Hebrew installed.
Yes, that happens to me, it writes things backwards
Jutros wrote:
When I tried to rename a sprite, on entering a new name it was suddenly typing right to left. That is "etirps", when I typed "sprite". It does not happen every time, but I was able to reproduce the bug (?) one time.
Using Firefox 10.0.2
No languages like Hebrew installed.
Yes, if you delete more characters than are present with backspace, it types backwards until the position is positive again.
xly wrote:
@Jens & nXIII
I make a very simple application, without the instruction SET PEN COLOR TO. It can be Saved/Loaded with no problem. If I add one instruction SET PEN COLORI to the same application , then Save does not work. I get the Error message " Save failed : Type Error.object.toXML is not a function". If I try to save it again, I get the Saved! message, but then the application can't be Loaded anymore.
This should be fixed when my patch is filed in.
bharvey wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
call/cc? (don't tell me the answer, just if I'm on the right track).
Oh, that's interesting, I bet you could do at least some kinds of recursion using call/cc. But that's not the official answer; all you need is lambda (as the Beatles explained, only they misread the word "lambda").
Got it! After finishing my work in adjectives in English, I daydreamed up this:
I bet I'd never have thought of that if you hadn't told me it was possible.
Is that the official answer?
Last edited by Hardmath123 (2012-03-01 03:22:20)
Hardmath123 wrote:
Is that the official answer?
You're awesome!!!
The official answer is essentially that, but with one little wrinkle
to allow making it into a one-input function:
They're teaching you adjectives in English? How old are you? (I know, I'm not allowed to ask that, never mind. Just surprised.)
Here's my favorite watcher-related bug:
#open:<project name="list loop" version="1"><notes></notes><thumbnail>*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</thumbnail><stage costume="0" id="0"><variables></variables><media></media><blocks></blocks><scripts></scripts><sprites><sprite name="Sprite" x="28.442978870300976" y="-8.057855533544426" heading="187" color="80,80,80" id="5"><variables><variable name="loop"><list id="7"><item><ref id="7"></ref></item></list></variable></variables><media></media><blocks></blocks><scripts><script x="20" y="20"><block s="doSetVar"><l>loop</l><block s="reportNewList"><list></list></block></block><block s="doAddToList"><block var="loop"/><block var="loop"/></block></script><script x="20" y="82"><block s="doSetVar"><l>loop</l><l>0</l></block></script><script x="20" y="121"><block s="doForever"><script><block s="doSetVar"><l>loop</l><block s="reportListItem"><l>1</l><block var="loop"/></block></block><block s="forward"><l>1</l></block><block s="turn"><l>3</l></block></script></block></script></scripts></sprite><watcher scope="Sprite" var="loop" x="253" y="244" color="243,118,29" hidden="hidden"/></sprites></stage></project>
Last edited by nXIII (2012-03-01 07:43:30)
bharvey wrote:
Hardmath123 wrote:
Is that the official answer?
You're awesome!!!
bharvey wrote:
The official answer is essentially that, but with one little wrinkle
to allow making it into a one-input function:
Huh? How does that work again?
EDIT: I think I understood: you'd use
(Call (Call (theAboveGunk) with inputs (script with input names "myself" and "input" in that order)) with inputs (input))
bharvey wrote:
They're teaching you adjectives in English? How old are you? (I know, I'm not allowed to ask that, never mind. Just surprised.)
Middle school. The exercise was making adjectives from nouns (Snap => Snappy).
bharvey wrote:
Hey, everybody, please try your favorite Snap! bug again and let us know if it still isn't fixed. Thanks!
Not a bug, but ÷ still looks exactly like +. If you're demonstrating it tomorrow, you won't have the APL stuff, so I think you'd survive with "/".
Last edited by Hardmath123 (2012-03-01 12:17:58)
joefarebrother wrote:
mine couldn't save it said "colorPickerMorph has no method 'toXml''" or something like that.
edit: I pressed save again and it saved!
another edit: When I opened it it is was just a stage, no sprites.
numpad dot doesn't work
(in number slots, of course )
saving operations open with some weird letters (w7, firefox 10)
only / and *, maybe unicode issue...
hebrew letters work, as well as other weird unicodes :S
Last edited by roijac (2012-03-01 12:50:26)
when you delete project, you can still open it, resulting in an error message TypeError: stream.contents is null
mixing RTL with LTR makes the letters transparent:
(the marked letters are invisible)
need some more?
i am working on a scratch/BYOB to Snap! converter if you have any basic knowlede of regular expressions please help!
how to add a block(please post this):
<block> <old>regexp to find block</old> <new>regexp to replace block</new> </block>
the blocks checked against old are the blocks from project summaries
new should make something like:
<block s="receiveGo">
Last edited by TRocket (2012-03-01 13:54:18)
Hardmath123 wrote:
Yeah. The virtue is that you can
and then have a plain old one-input factorial function.
It's called the Y combinator. (Except it's simplified because in real lambda calculus functions only have one input, so instead of
THE ... BLOCK. INPUT NAMES (#1) (#2)
you have to say
so if you look it up you'll see something a little more complicated than what I posted.
roijac wrote:
input's still buggy
joefarebrother wrote:
When I opened it it is was just a stage, no sprites.
roijac wrote:
saving operations open with some weird letters (w7, firefox 10)
only / and *, maybe unicode issue...
when you delete project, you can still open it
OK, I'm sorry I asked.
Here's my bug report for the day:
Those were grey-bordered * blocks when the project was saved.
There are two bugs here; one is roijac's one about the name changing, whether or not a grey border is used. The other is that all the grey borders disappear. (Maybe we're doing away with grey borders, in which case we should do away with them soon! )
When downloaded for mac, when you minimize the window, It has the scratch cat on the bottom right corner on the dashboard
bharvey wrote:
Here's my bug report for the day:
Those were grey-bordered * blocks when the project was saved.
There are two bugs here; one is roijac's one about the name changing, whether or not a grey border is used. The other is that all the grey borders disappear. (Maybe we're doing away with grey borders, in which case we should do away with them soon! )
the third is that the digits are cut
Anyone want help work on a snap (possibly standard) library, since we don't have BYOB's standard lib for Snap ;(
BornAgainAtheist wrote:
Anyone want help work on a snap (possibly standard) library, since we don't have BYOB's standard lib for Snap ;(
Actually, I'm working on a BYOB project importer, so we may be able to use BYOB's library
nXIII wrote:
we may be able to use BYOB's library
The plan is actually to divide the tools library into subsets that can be loaded independently. A few of them will be loaded automatically, as quasi-primitives (ASK and TELL for oop, probably; maybe MAP, KEEP, and COMBINE too). One clearly separable collection is the one about words and sentences.
I'd really like to find a way to make the loading automatic, but can't quite see how, since a block isn't in the palette until you've loaded its library!
Something you could clearly do to help, n, is to add Import to the file menu. Given that, we could start writing tool projects.
By the way, as of today, http://snap.berkeley.edu/run is a shortcut to the current build; the need for an easy-to-explain path came up in planning our Snap! lunch talk.
P.S. It's been a great conference; we've made a lot of contacts with teachers wanting to host BJC teacher workshops. (I couldn't tell you much about the rest of the conference; I've hardly had time to attend any sessions other than the ones we're running! ) At next year's conference in Denver we plan to run a full-day teacher workshop the day before the conference.
nXIII wrote:
BornAgainAtheist wrote:
Anyone want help work on a snap (possibly standard) library, since we don't have BYOB's standard lib for Snap ;(
Actually, I'm working on a BYOB project importer, so we may be able to use BYOB's library
Until then, Brian & Jens, would you distribute it if I made a Snap copy of all the functions from BYOB's tool sprite? I'd like to help somehow and unless you need a Python coder or very very green JS coder for something, I don't think I could be any help in the actual coding.
BornAgainAtheist wrote:
nXIII wrote:
BornAgainAtheist wrote:
Anyone want help work on a snap (possibly standard) library, since we don't have BYOB's standard lib for Snap ;(
Actually, I'm working on a BYOB project importer, so we may be able to use BYOB's library
Until then, Brian & Jens, would you distribute it if I made a Snap copy of all the functions from BYOB's tool sprite? I'd like to help somehow and unless you need a Python coder or very very green JS coder for something, I don't think I could be any help in the actual coding.
This has just got me an idea: Mesh in Snap. It's possible to create a Python server for Scratch and BYOB to connect to, what about Snap?
Please add these, they're really helpful:
blocks.push(block( 'reporter', 'operators', 'join %s %s', 'concatString', ["Hello, ", "world"] )); SpriteMorph.prototype.concatString = function (stringa, stringb) { return ""+stringa+stringb; }; blocks.push(block( 'reporter', 'operators', 'letter %n of %s', 'getLetterOfString', [3, "snap"] )); SpriteMorph.prototype.getLetterOfString = function (index, stringIn) { return stringIn.charAt(index+1); };