Since Real3D has to be downloaded, and Real3D Revolution is for landscapes only, I'm making Lines3D for games that can be played online.
I have no point in direction block, but it has rotation. Instead of using the POINT IN DIRECTION block, I use ([sin v] of (direction wanted)) and ([cos v] of (direction wanted)), for scrolling-game benefits. You can easily change the scrolling variables by these values to move up, down, left and right, provided you negate the result.
Current features
- width | Pen rendering size.
- length | Length of the line.
- tilt | It's 3D rotation.
- rotation | Rotates the line.
- x position | Position left and right.
- y position | Position up and down.
- z position | Position forward and backward. It's 3D movement.
Last edited by rdococ (2012-02-29 07:55:56)
What makes Lines3d different from Real3D? I mean, does the point in direction block not work correctly online?