I think we could write about a certain scratch user, who maybe would be putting the most effort, the nicest one, the most supportive, the most skilled etc... Anyone can write it about whoever we like, because it will not be fair when just the most noticed scratch members win it again. Because some people spent a lot more effort on a certain project, yet it does not get noticed. EG, JoelP spent 22 hours on 'The Art Of Rock II,' and I think it is certainly one of the best projects on scratch! Yet only about ten people have seen it. Counter strike is (in my oppinion) outstanding, but only about thrity have seen it!!! So you can write about more well known ones, but also have the less noticed ones in you mind.
From what I heard your one of the best scrollers on scratch!
I'm bumpin' this back up. Think about it...
umm... what about itsmyhammie? she's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice!