I am a teacher and I'm going to begin teaching scratch to my year 5 children. I would like to know how to go about creating a group that can share work over within the classroom. Is there a way to wirelessly retrieve a childs work and show it through the class computer and project?
Any help greatly appreciated.
Hm... Uploading the projects to the website is the only way I can think of.
Sharing online works, however since the children are quite young, it might not be the best solution. I would recommend having some sort of shared folder that all of the computers can access. For Windows 7 this is easy with the homegroup feature. For other computer systems, a quick google search should help.
It's hard to say because the method to be used depends on the classroom environment.
A lot of the people who use the Scratch Forums are children. You might have better luck finding a solution that fits the needs of you and your students by asking around on Scratch ED, a Scratch website designed for teachers and educators in mind.