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I have students making games using the "Scratch Activities" PDF from Richard Wiktorowicz. Most of the students have the "touching sprite" and "touching edge" blocks working. One student can't seem to get those blocks to work. I have checked and re-checked her code, and I've tried to re-order it. Those blocks don't work. I re-installed Scratch. The blocks are present but the ball just passes through the sprite and doesn't bounce when it finds the edge. I'm at a loss. Any ideas?
Jason McDonald
Could you post the project online? Then we might be able to see what's wrong.
Could you possibly upload the project, so we can check for mistakes as well?
muppetds wrote:
make sure the move block isn't set to a number too high - it would help if you posted the script
This might be it. The move block moves its distance without checking booleans as it does so...if it starts on one side without touching it, and skips far enough that it moves across but is still not touching it, then <touching [ v] ?> won't work.
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