Hey so here is the problem, im making a 2D zombie survival game, im getting a bit stuck on making 'limmited Ammunition' as a game feature. Ive tried a few different meathods but i just dont really know how or where to start. i will need 'Ammo' as a varriable, I know that much, please help me thanks
Like that?ifammo>0setcan_shoot ▼to1elsesetcan_shoot ▼to0
What is a 2d zombie survival what the name of all the scrip i need
mm... not really, what ive been trying to do is like, 'when you fire, change ammo by -1' and also 'if ammo = 0 then don't allow to fire' I just dont know how to script this correctly??
On your firing script, add an "if" to it and make it check your ammo count (if ammo > 0) etc.
when i receivefire ▼ifammo>0firing script here
Last edited by Stickman704 (2012-02-25 15:41:26)
ok thanks that was helpfull
Here's a script.
(for the bullet)
Replace the CHOOSE CONDITION block with a <KEY ??? PRESSED?> or a <MOUSE DOWN?> block.whenclicked
foreverifchoose conditionifammo>0shooting script herechangeammo ▼by-1