What does C++ mean? I see some people say that they are C++, so it must be some role or something...
To build on what trinary said, C++ is a programming language that is more advanced that Scratch, and is one of the most widely used programming languages. Having said that, is is also far more difficult to learn than Scratch. It is not related to Scratch (that is, you can't really connect a C++ program to a Scratch program or vice-versa), so I wouldn't worry about C++ unless you're interested in going to higher levels of programming.
It's a fairly advanced programming language, which, as MoreGamesNow said, you shouldn't really attempt to learn unless you're serious about programming.
Seems like everyone's building on top of each other's posts
Well, I'd just like to politely contradict MoreGamesNow, pointing out that it is in fact possible to connect a Win32 or .NET C++ program to Scratch using Windows's ability to have Ports and Sockets that communicate between programs.
So C++ can be extremely useful to perform actions that you need in a project, but that Scratch isn't capable of doing. However, for that I suggest an easier but still powerful language like VB.NET, Python, or Actionscript.