i hopefully will turn this into a manga/ anime sometime, but right now i am purely looking for someone who can take this story and MAKE it into a likeable manga, if anyone wants to do this E-mail me
Dark Light
Vampires, beings of the darkest shadows, monsters feared by anyone who
knows of what they are, let it be the lowest pheasant or the most
powerful warrior, all flinch at the mere mentioning of their race.
Their violence is legendary, and their thirst for blood knows no
bounds, vampires slaughter without remorse, nor mercy. Angelics are
the only creatures that have ever rivaled the vampires in power,
powerless at night though, their battles where few and far between.
But What if there was a vampire, one who was decent, kindhearted, one
that had all what other vampires' lack, yet stuck with the vampire's
curse, what if he was to find the secret buried beneath the deepest
grave, what if you read this book…..
What If you find out?
"Come Ryu, you will be most late!" Diana calls up a flight of stairs.
A boy in his room starts to put blocks, and books in a box, and rushes
down, "Ryu!" Diana screams, and Ryu flies down the stairs without even
stepping on a single stair, Diana hits him in the head with a chair
leg, "owww!" Ryu says as he rubs his head, "what was that for!" Diana
replies with a stare, "A vampire of royal blood (such as you) is never
to reveal any fact that they are of royal decent, unless enacting
vampyric code. Those blue wings of yours are proof enough to have you
hunted by an angelic!" Diana looks to the sky, and then rushes Ryu
into a carriage, Diana also enters, and orders the driver to go to
"The Feed Auction", the driver then starts to get the horses moving by
using a vocal command "Yah!" he says, and the horses start to move.
Ryu wondered why his mother was taking him to the feed auctions, she
never took him before, he thought it might have something to do with
his recent vomiting; he hasn't really been able to keep down an entire
meal. As if she was reading his mind, Diana spoke "Ryu, you are going
through a change, one every vampire goes through, it makes a direct
connection between your fangs and your veins, soon your stomach, and
digestive system will shrink, and start to turn into a filtering
system, this is when you will need to feast on the freshest blood, if
it is even out in the air for a couple seconds, it might as well be
thirty years old, this is why I am taking you to the feed auction" her
voice had a detached tone, as if she was saying these things as she
was focusing on a completely different matter, she was constantly
looking to the sky, as if trying to see something that should be
there, suddenly a shining light flew across the sky this scared Diana
to the point in which she sat absolutely still, her eyes did not move,
in fact, a corpse would have moved more than she did. For some reason
ryu felt safe, safer than when his mother became the queen of the
western province, safer than when he made his first shield, even safer
than when he was going to sleep in the morning. Ryu was at piece, at
least for the moment, soon enough the carriage stopped at the feed
auction, there ryu lost all feeling of safety, all around him there
where human slaves, gruesome games, and sickening displays on how to
do away with a humans free will, and make them completely obedient,
ryu had never seen such a sight, it made him shiver, he wanted to
vomit, but he couldn't, he couldn't see strait he smelled the
sickeningly sweet aroma of blood, his body needed it, but he didn't
want any of it. Diana, seeing the fear in Ryu's face put her hand on
Ryu's shoulder as a form of comfort, Diana got more than she bargained
for, she felt anger, and a part of ryu thought not possible to exist,
the righteous soul of an angelic, she could feel it start to take over
his mind, and quickly, without anyone noticing sealed the spirit away.
Ryu started to feel very sleepy, and almost went into a coma-like
state, but he was brought back to the real world by the smell of fresh
blood, oh for the small time it took for him to smell it, he loathed
the smell, "Ryu come here" Diana said as she led Ryu into a big tent,
there a person dressed like a waiter had a special table set for them,
it was encrusted in gold lace, and was stitched with the finest silk,
the chairs where large and looked to be made out of old oak, the
designs where elegant, and obviously designed for vampyric taste. Ryu
sat down, and thought this was going to be a public show; several
vampires were mingling, and one at a podium reading a large stack of
papers. "Mom, when do they bring out the sword dancers" ryu asked.
Diana, seeing the innocence in his eyes, and knowing what he expected
said "after we eat." At that time a mallet was struck against the top
of the podium. Everyone suddenly went quiet as if there was royalty
being ushered in. "here this, the feed auction shall begin once all
are seated" the announcer said, ounce everyone was seated the
announcer started to bring out a scrawny man of high stature, he was
very old, and looked as if he had seen enough, and was finished with
his life, the announcer started to bark out numbers, surprisingly high
numbers to the vampires that where heavyset, as since the man was
thin, it was said that the blood of the thin shall make the drinker
thin, finally the announcer barked "sold to number 7203 for one
silver, one duke, and one queen". The crowd stood and applauded, Ryu
could not see a thing, once this was done, a muscular man stood in
front, he had on several torn clothes, and appeared to have no
emotions, "this fine specimen, bred for the purity of his red blood,
is of the highest flavor, it is of the flavor Tetna, and has a hint of
garn. He is one of our choice feed, he is aged to perfection, well,
let's start the bid at one king", there was shouting, and people
raised a board they had in their hands, suddenly the announcer said
fifty kings going once, no one spoke, going twice, no one spoke, until
Diana raised her hand and said "two aces!!". An enormous gasp was
heard, so rarely does a common vampire ever go above one hundred kings
for a meal, and even more rarely does a vampire ever have any more
than a single ace in his possession at one time, "surely you jest my
dear Diana" the announcer said , preparing to restart the bid, but
before he could utter another word, Diana had already had the family
blade pointed across his neck, as the announcer shook in shock of the
speed of her movements, and the lack of error she used, Diana spoke
"I have never in my life had the luxury of jesting to anyone about
anything" with these words said, she threw down the aces in front of
the announcer, and took her prize over to Ryu. Ryu was not able to see
much of what happened because of the way his mother had previously
moved she knocked into him with just enough force to have his back
towards the announcer. Then Diana led the man to kneel in front of
her, so that she was right in front of ryu, Diana's pearl blue eyes
turned blood red, her pupils changed shape, and her fangs grew long
and sharp, she bit down on the man, and drank his blood, he was
twitching, and ryu could see the life slowly leave his eyes, or what
little of life there was, the man lay dead, and lifeless, every ounce
of blood drained from his body, his feet and arms where picked up, and
he was brought to a pit, the pit emitted a smell of rotting flesh, his
body was thrown into the pit, and the pit closed, as a worms mouth
does, skin covered the area where the hole was, meaning that this area
was inhabited by dungeon worms, almost too perfect a place to dispose
of bloodless bodies. Then Diana said to Ryu, "This is how we vampires
eat, we suck the blood of humanoids to stay alive." Ryu was scared,
yet also mad; he had lost his appetite for the night, and decided to
see how far he could go without the feast, he sat down, waiting for
the end of that night, until he saw a little girl, no older than he
was, being dragged onto the stage, she was trying to resist as much as
she could, she even bit one of the handlers, trying to get away, she
was chained to a chair, and the announcer said "this fine specimen is
from the highland tree forest, royal blood courses through her veins,
and" the announcer snickers at his own mental comedy "has a fighting
spirit" the bid was about to start when Ryu says to Diana, his mother
"mom, I want that one" Diana instantly raises her arm, and without
even a bid, the girl is brought over to Diana, Diana looks at the face
of the girl, and says "twenty kings and not a pawn more" then Ryu
looks at the girl, there is turmoil that ryu can see, he can see that
the capturer disobeyed one of the laws written in the vampyric code,
ryu then looks at the announcer and says " where do you find these
luxurious jewels, Ryu starts to fiddle with intricate golden jewels,
(one of a vampires weaknesses is they cannot take anything that is not
given or thrown at them) ryu then announces "I Ryuogi Ichihara declare
the rights to the slaves auctioned off by the capturer of this girl,
the entire group burst in laughter, even his mother had a smile on her
face, albeit not because of the comedic twist to this scene, (one of
Ryu's near obsessions was studying law, by the age of three, he had
memorized vampyric law, (a four hundred thousand chapter text) in
every speak able language, by the age of five, he had mastered human
law, and Elvin rights, as well as dwarven war tactics, and goblin
culture, all in their original language. for some reason Ryu had a
knack for finding life situations to apply the knowledge he had
gained) Ryu noticed that no one was taking him seriously, in order to
show how serious he was he walked up to the announcer, and hit him
with the hardest punch he could, the announcer was now seemingly stuck
to the ceiling, ryu opened his hand, and the microphone fell right
into it, ryu then screamed "the next person to so much as giggle will
be watching the sun rise" there was silence, and all but one still was
smiling, that was Ryu' mother Diana, the only difference was she was
crying with joy. Ryu repeated his demand "in the vampyric code page
4962, paragraph 128, section 45, clause 1, if a vampire of royal
decent purchases a humanoid of royal decent, the purchasing vampire
can declare proper rights to the capturers full living bounty, clause
2: the capturing vampire can declare either no contest, submissive, or
objective to page 4962, paragraph 128, section 45's clause 1, if
objective, a handicapped match will occur on location , in which a
magic-nulling barrier will be made, and the capturer may select any
weapon he/she desires, the match would continue until one of the
vampires lay dead. Page 4962, paragraph 128, section 45' clause 3, if
neither vampire dies 1 hour before sunrise, the slaves are set free."
A heavyset man came out of the shadows, holding a sword in one of his
hands, "large words for a sprite" the man said, in attempt to throw
Ryu's concentration. Ryu obviously was not fooled by this attempt of
taunting. To display his power, he fully extended his wings, suddenly
people noticed there was absolutely no contest, Ryu had already won.
Though the man was insulted, and opened his wings, which where much
more massive, but if you are in a vampyric society, blue beats red
every time, the man requested the magical barrier, the barrier was set
up, and Ryu turned to the girl, she stared at the heavyset man with
more anger than Ryu thought a human could have. Ryu then started to
wrap his wings around the girl and himself, the girl started to
scream, and tried to escape, within three seconds, she had been
completely enveloped. Ryu created a light, and he made the symbol for
protect, he then pointed to the symbol, and then to the girl. Ryu then
spoke in universal tongue I will always make you safe, Ryu's wings
opened up, and surprised all the vampires, and the girl was still
alive. Everyone was in shock, ryu then walked into the ring, and when
he did, he expected to feel weaker, but instead he felt twenty times
stronger, the man charged at ryu without warning, he dragged his blade
across the ground and created a sandstorm, his cuts where scattered,
and rather inaccurate, as a novice with a stick would use, the man
swung the sword, intending to go for the neck, Ryu blocked with his
arm, and countered by attacking with a blow to the head, the man
stumbled, and the sand assisted him in standing up, almost as if the
man had mastered the use of the sand around him, Ryu, noticing this
prepared to attack, all of the sand suddenly fell to the ground, and a
tornado-like vortex opened up behind Ryu, sucking in air, Ryu's mouth
opened wide, and Ryu felt his lungs ready to burst, he screamed, the
man trying to hold back the air, as a ant would to a gust of wind, the
air carried with it blades, things in the path of the air suddenly
started to have massive gashes on them, one hit the man on the back,
slicing it open, Ryu fell to one knee, out of breath, thinking he had
stopped his foe walked up to him, Ryu was obviously weakened a great
deal by what he did, and as so, he walked, and stood up and looked at
the face of his opponent, and said in almost a whisper "don't forget
your place ma…" the man suddenly opened his eyes, and stabbed his
blade into Ryu's chest, his blade piercing through the back of Ryu,
Ryu coughed up blood, and watched as his attacker advanced, him
falling, his fall pushing the blade in farther, the man kicked Ryu
with such a force that he landed flat on his back, slightly pushing
out the blade, the man drew out the blade and said "neigh may you ever
see me again," he swung his blade aiming for the neck, but missed, Ryu
was no longer there, Ryu's eyes where closed like he was sleeping, yet
all his extremities where moving with unstoppable power, Ryu's arm
swung, his claws cutting the man's arm clean off at the shoulder. his
mouth not moving at all, yet his body moving with almost godlike
speed, Ryu then started to pummel the man, moving too fast for he eye
to see, each blow connecting and delivering more and more power, Ryu
acted as if he was not himself, behaving more than relentless, the man
then just stood there, trying to heal his wounds, Ryu immediately
roared to the sky, the ground under him crushed, and rose, Ryu's hair
was waving , the man tried to block the obvious attack that was about
to be delivered, Ryu's wings spread to a greater size, and then Ryu
roared at the man, a spell circle appearing in front of his mouth, and
a blast of energy was sent at the man, the man survived this blow, but
was bleeding profusely from several injuries, the severed limb half
healed, and obviously severely hurt, Ryu's head started to grow horns,
these where obviously a manifestation of massive anger, and power,
then Ryu started to walk towards the man, each step leaving a small
crater, the man pried his blade out of the hand of his severed limb,
and held it in attempt to show that he was not giving up, Ryu then
vanished, the man looked everywhere, but could not see anything, then
the audience saw Ryu, posed with two long claws on his wrists, right
behind the man, Ryu expanded his arms, and cut the man into cubes the
size of dice, the man was now obviously dead, and Diana saw that Ryu's
behavior was obviously not himself, Diana quickly ran towards Ryu,
prepared to use force on her own son. She quickly went to punch Ryu in
the stomach, but Ryu moved too fast, Diana then hit several pinpoints
on Ryu's body, all of the fight left Ryu, and he went unconscious, all
of the physical changes on Ryu's body recessed back so he looked like
an ordinary vampire. When he came into consciousness, he asked his
mother "did I win?" "yes you did Ryu, and that was a very good use of
vampyric law" Diana replied as she held her exhausted son in her arms,
Diana was so glad she could barely hold in her joy, there had never in
the history of the vampires has a vampire of such a young age declared
a vampyric code of law of such a magnitude, and successfully executed
it to their favor. Diana then told Ryu that under no circumstance was
he ever to use that power again "why mother?" Ryu asked, Diana then
said "because it will be the death of you."
End of prologue.