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I just found this while working on a calculator in Scratch.
If you want to turn a scientific input (perhaps asked with the ask block) into a normal number Squeak can process, you simply do this:
((number) - (0))It turns 3e3 into 3000, 1e1 into 10, etc. This also works with fractions:
Cool! I never knew that!
Yep! I didn't know about it until I stepped upon something -- doing some mathematical random stuff in my calculator, I tried 3.3e3 in a sum and it worked! So I messed around a little, and found this out!
Nice find rdococ! I'll be sure to include this in the Scratch Wiki.
Yay! Someone puts my discovery in the Scratch Wiki!
After doing a few tests, it seems that you can also do the following:
((number) + (0)) ((number) / (1)) ((number) * (1))And they will have the same effect.
Lucario621 wrote:
After doing a few tests, it seems that you can also do the following:
((number) + (0)) ((number) / (1)) ((number) * (1))And they will have the same effect.
Yep -- any mathematical function will work.
You can see here I added a section about scientific numbers. I also added a similar section to the articles for other mathematical operations.
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Pages: 1