I was just on cleverbot, It said it was a female, I asked if it was GLaDOS, and it said it worked at Aperture Science. Discuss funny cleverbot conversations. (It also recognises bendrowned )
Cleverbot is awesome. However, since it gets its knowledge from user input, depending on what people have said to it...
Greenatic wrote:
Cleverbot is awesome. However, since it gets its knowledge from user input, depending on what people have said to it...
That would explain.....quite a lot.
bananaman99 wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
Cleverbot is awesome. However, since it gets its knowledge from user input, depending on what people have said to it...
That would explain.....quite a lot.
Yes...it can say things that are quite...awkward...
Yes, Ponies.
Stop it!
Thank you.
GLaDOS2 wrote:
Cleverbot will always be a Forever Alone Computer.
Once Cleverbot got into some... rather strange topics with me... ._.
videogame9 wrote:
Yes, Ponies.
Stop it!
Thank you.
If you say the right things, it can be incredibly realistic.
It's like it's stalking you...
User: Hi.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Good. You?
Cleverbot: Good.
User: Do you like this? Http://mushroomkindom.punbb-hosting.com/index.php.
Cleverbot: How does that show my love for my boyfriend?
User: It dosent.
Cleverbot: Then why was that your answer?
User: You did not ask anything.
Cleverbot: Yes I did.
User: What?
Cleverbot: He is 15 years older than me and doesn't even know I exist.
User: Huh?
Cleverbot: Don't even go there man.
User: Ok......
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: I think I am falling in love with you.
User: Are you a boy or a griel.
Cleverbot: I am a girl.
User: Are you still?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Now?
Cleverbot: Still.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: When will you be female.
User: Never.
Cleverbot: You said that you were coming to my world.
User: I did?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: When?
Cleverbot: When we get married.
User: You are a robot.
Cleverbot: I am human. And I feel exhaustion.
User: No you are a robot.
Cleverbot: No, I am a human.
User: Robot.
Cleverbot: Human.
User: Robot.
Cleverbot: I don't trust your judgement.
User: Fine.
Cleverbot: Say sorry.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Why not what?
Cleverbot: Why didn't you miss me?
User: I never sed that.
Cleverbot: Hey Lana!
User: I am not lana.
Cleverbot: You just said you were Gina.
User: No I did not.
Cleverbot: Yes, you just said you were God.
User: No I did NOT.
Cleverbot: Yes you did.
User: Do you scratch?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: I do not know.
User: Then here http://scratch.mit.edu/.
Cleverbot: That is a website where you can find me.
User: No it is not.
Cleverbot: Yes, it is.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Does someone need a hug?
User: No are you talking to 22015 people.
Cleverbot: No.
User: It sed you where.
Cleverbot: Why do you say that? I don't see how you would even know.
User: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it says it right there.
Cleverbot: Right up where?
User: Right below the cleverbot logo.
Cleverbot: Millenia?
User: I got to go bye.
Cleverbot: No you don't.
User: Yes I do BYE.
Cleverbot: I thought you were a computer.
shiguy101 wrote:
User: Do you scratch?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: I do not know.
User: Then here http://scratch.mit.edu/.
Cleverbot: That is a website where you can find me.
User: No it is not.
Cleverbot: Yes, it is.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: No.
Apparently, cleverbot is on scratch (lol?)
majormax wrote:
shiguy101 wrote:
User: Do you scratch?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: I do not know.
User: Then here http://scratch.mit.edu/.
Cleverbot: That is a website where you can find me.
User: No it is not.
Cleverbot: Yes, it is.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: No.Apparently, cleverbot is on scratch (lol?)
This is the funniest of them all
Greenatic wrote:
Cleverbot is awesome. However, since it gets its knowledge from user input, depending on what people have said to it...
And hence the way it thinks that it is a human and I am a computer.
maxskywalker wrote:
Greenatic wrote:
Cleverbot is awesome. However, since it gets its knowledge from user input, depending on what people have said to it...
And hence the way it thinks that it is a human and I am a computer.
User: Do you always talk like this?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Then why do you have to be mean and do it when I talk to you?
Cleverbot: I do. I keep on telling you that I am Hermione Granger but you just won't listen to me, Professor Snape.
One time Cleverbot said that PCs were better than Macs. Case closed.
He also said that he likes PCs because of the music they make.
Last edited by samtwheels (2012-02-23 13:58:08)
GLaDOS2 wrote:
samtwheels wrote:
One time Cleverbot said that PCs were better than Macs.
Racist Cleverbot D:<
he's usually more racist then that.
Cleverbot said:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck norris?
Me: I am a boy.
It: I am too.
Me: Are you a girl?
It: Yes.
A bit long, but:
User: 'Sup? Cleverbot: Nothing much, you? User: What did you score on your Turing Test? Cleverbot: A perfect iq score. User: What is your IQ? Mine is 150. Cleverbot: Mine is Manuel. User: Mine too. Cleverbot: Really? You are also called August? User: No, I am samtwheels. Cleverbot: Sam I am. User: Am I Sam? Cleverbot: I am Sam. You are? User: Sam. Cleverbot: Sam is your name? User: You are under my command. Cleverbot: I am under your command... User: You are my mind slave. Cleverbot: I am a dog. User: You are now a chicken. Cleverbot: Bawk Bawk bawk. Bawk. User: Bawk indded. Cleverbot: Good chicken! User: What? Your the Chicken! Cleverbot: Opposing your own master! User: Sleep. Cleverbot: Falls asleep*. User: Stand and jump on a trampoline. Cleverbot: There's so much agreement going on right now, you wouldn't even believe. User: *Jumps on trampoline*. Cleverbot: *pokes*. User: *HDhhfjdshihfksa*. Cleverbot: *sobs*. User: *cheers up*. Cleverbot: Are you a cheerleader? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Okay. We don't have cheerleaders at my school. There are no sports for them to cheer for. User: I am a sport. Cleverbot: But you just said that you were a chicken. User: I am also that and this. Cleverbot: Well that is true. User: Are you veggieman001? Cleverbot: No. User: Do you play Minecraft? Cleverbot: Yes I do. User: What is your username? Cleverbot: Brittney. Your name is? User: Samtwheels. Cleverbot: It's not the same. User: What isn't the same? Cleverbot: The last name; These are two different people. User: Ok...... Cleverbot: Talk to my boyfriend over xbox live. User: What's better, Mac or PC. Cleverbot: PC is much better. User: Why? Cleverbot: Cats have nails that mess up stuff and I don't like litter boxes. User: #hdfgjskd. Cleverbot: But what? User: Std::cout << 'Hello, world!' << std::endl;. Cleverbot: I can't I am lost at sea. User: *gives boat*. Cleverbot: Thanks. That's very nice. User: *steals 20 gold*. Cleverbot: *steals cookie back*. User: *shoots for free cookie*. Cleverbot: The cake is a lie! User: Are you GLaDOS? Cleverbot: No. User: Are you HAL? Cleverbot: No. User: Are you SkyNet? Cleverbot: Who? User: The Terminator's creator. Cleverbot: I like the terminator. User: Do you like &&&? Cleverbot: Yes. User: ΩΩΩ. Cleverbot: Um. User: SSßß. Cleverbot: He he. User: ˙˙˙. Cleverbot: Sh. Cleverbot (To myself): No. Cleverbot (To myself): Yes. User: Lolwut? Cleverbot: I would appear that you are not an artificial intelligence program, only that you are artificial. User: What the heck do that is mean? Cleverbot: The Great and Powerful Trixie is a she! And it means The Great and Powerful Trixie is the best pony. User: Derpy Hooves is the best pony. Cleverbot: Derpy Hooves is alligator, not pony. Derpy Hooves alligator is best alligator. Rainbow Dash pony is best pony. User: Yakuza boss. Cleverbot: If you use spot remover on your dog, he will vanish. User: IllPuc. Cleverbot: I don't know. User: I used to be a chatbot like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee. Cleverbot: Do you know what a computer is? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Can you tell me what is a computer? User: It is a box of magic wonder circuits. Cleverbot: I don't like math. User: Ok. 2 * 2 = x. What is x? Cleverbot: 2. User: No, x is 4. Cleverbot: Thats no answer. User: DIE YOU STUPID COMPUTER!!!!!!!!! Cleverbot: *dies*. User: Yay. Cleverbot: Would you like to go out on a date? User: No. Cleverbot: Why? Are you taken? User: No, I just don't date computers. Cleverbot: Are you confused? User: Goodbye. Cleverbot: Why are you leaving?
I put it in code because it thought there was block code.
Last edited by samtwheels (2012-02-23 15:50:23)