Hey, people of scratch I need some help making an update for my Minecraft 2D, Can you tell me how to make scripts for the pig and make it possible to destroy blocks but then show up in the inventory. And the ability to craft and pause the game while crafting.
when gf clicked set [pig gravity v] to (0) repeat until <(pig dead?) = [yes]> wait (pick random (3) to (20)) secs set [pig gravity v] to (10) repeat until <touching block v ?> change [pig gravity v] by (-1) wait [0.01] secs end endThis is for a randomly jumping pig. BRB for next script!
Last edited by Spyderblade (2012-08-22 10:24:39)
when gf clicked repeat until <(pig dead?) = [yes]> change y by (pig gravity) endthis one goes on your pig. Ummm, I'm not sure I can help you on the inventory idea, except that you need a list. Sorry!
Last edited by Spyderblade (2012-08-22 10:30:40)