Ok, so I am off to a good start. I figured out how to make the Sprite move, but I need to know how to make it jump and get down. Also, when I do the "switch to costume 1" and "Costume 2", it doesn't work! Please help!
Also, how do I make enemies that actually hurt or kill?
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=88043 has a good list of helpful scripts for things like movement, walls, etc.
For enemies, you would create a variable called "enemy health" and then have a script something like:
set [health v] to (10) show forever if <(health) < (1)> hide else if <touching color [#FF0000]?> change [health v] by (-1) end endIf the enemy touches the color red, it will loose one health and once the enemy's health is less than 0 it'll disappear.
Last edited by Magnie (2012-02-21 18:16:18)
Wow...lots of problemos... if someone answers my ":how to hurt/kill" question, how do you ATTACK?
Thanks Magnie!
You can use the same script for the player as well but instead of it touching red, it could touch the enemy. Like so:
set [health v] to (10) show forever if <(health) < (1)> hide else if <touching [enemy v]?> change [health v] by (-1) end end
thanks again!