It seems that after replying to a comment, and getting a notification that says that your comment/reply has been replied to, I go to the project but the reply isn't there. Replies to replies on past projects that I have seen before are not there as well. This seems to be the trend right now- not sure if it really is a problem. Also, it only happens on my replies; I can see replies to replies if the first reply was written by someone else.
They are there, but they don't show.
Just click on "View All Replies" under the reply comment. ^^
i have the same problem
Zelda123 wrote:
The View All Replies" button is not there...
Then there isn't a reply.
It should be like this:
USER1 1 minute 1 second ago
Hey! Lovely project you got there! Positively spiffing!
(reply) | (view all replies) | (flag as inappropriate) | (x)
USER2 2 minutes 2 seconds ago
Aw, thanks! You have a simply amazing attitude! I am truly impressed!
(reply) | (view all replies) | (x)
USER3 3 minutes 3 seconds ago
I thank thou for thy truly amazing response!
(reply) | (view all replies) | (x)
If you don't see the (view all replies) on the replies, there are no replies.
coolstuff wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
The View All Replies" button is not there...
Then there isn't a reply.
It should be like this:
USER1 1 minute 1 second ago
Hey! Lovely project you got there! Positively spiffing!
(reply) | (view all replies) | (flag as inappropriate) | (x)
USER2 2 minutes 2 seconds ago
Aw, thanks! You have a simply amazing attitude! I am truly impressed!
(reply) | (view all replies) | (x)
USER3 3 minutes 3 seconds ago
I thank thou for thy truly amazing response!
(reply) | (view all replies) | (x)
If you don't see the (view all replies) on the replies, there are no replies.
Yeah, that's a great example you got there.
technically, there could be a reply and ther still might not be a reply. How? if someone tries to reply but gets a spam block message, it will still say u got a reply
Anybody else seeing this? Can you give me an example of a project that you used to see replies to replies on but you no longer can?
I have had this happen to me before too. It is true that they are there you just have to reset the page. Maybe more than once.
Hmm, I tried several things, restarting my computer, clearing temporary files, and logging in and out, and the replies seem to be working properly now....strange. I will continue to check my projects to see if it is working...
if it says you have posted a very simalier message recently its still counts