So, I haven't been on scratch for a while. I really miss the old forums, and that is most of the reason I'm taking a break. I'm moving to other programs including Batch, HTML, and hopefully JAVA. I'll probably be back when Scratch 2.0 comes out. Right now, I'm still sort of working on my website as well as my minecraft server ( As for Batch, I'm working on Elf Lands. (I'll post something here when I have the first version out. Also, if you know any batch, it would be great if you could contact me). If anyone cares enough, and needs me, you can find me on
Skype: elfin8er
Steam: elfin8er
Twitter: elfin8er
Minecraft: elfin8er
Minecraft Forums: elfin8er
Last edited by elfin8er (2012-02-18 23:44:33)
elfin8er wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
Why even are you using Batch?
Becauth ith cull!
Not really. Do you just want console output? Use Java or C/++
veggieman001 wrote:
elfin8er wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
Why even are you using Batch?
Becauth ith cull!
Not really. Do you just want console output? Use Java or C/++
I don't feel like learning something right now. Are they similar to Batch? I already have a ton of lines of code. Also, I don't want to have to download a bunch of [removed], because I'm on my very slow 1 GB ubuntu computer. It barely runs Chrome.
[Moderator Edit: Please don't cheat the swear filter]
Last edited by cheddargirl (2012-02-19 01:26:31)
elfin8er wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
elfin8er wrote:
Becauth ith cull!
Not really. Do you just want console output? Use Java or C/++
I don't feel like learning something right now. Are they similar to Batch? I already have a ton of lines of code. Also, I don't want to have to download a bunch of [removed], because I'm on my very slow 1 GB ubuntu computer. It barely runs Chrome.
I don't think Batch works on Linux...
Last edited by cheddargirl (2012-02-19 01:26:48)
veggieman001 wrote:
elfin8er wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
Not really. Do you just want console output? Use Java or C/++
I don't feel like learning something right now. Are they similar to Batch? I already have a ton of lines of code. Also, I don't want to have to download a bunch of [removed], because I'm on my very slow 1 GB ubuntu computer. It barely runs Chrome.
I don't think Batch works on Linux...
Awe, really? I didn't even test it I'm taking this over from my windows, and am trying to work on it
What does JAVA require to download? Do I need eclipse?
Last edited by cheddargirl (2012-02-19 01:27:06)
elfin8er wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
elfin8er wrote:
I don't feel like learning something right now. Are they similar to Batch? I already have a ton of lines of code. Also, I don't want to have to download a bunch of [removed], because I'm on my very slow 1 GB ubuntu computer. It barely runs Chrome.
I don't think Batch works on Linux...
Awe, really? I didn't even test it
I'm taking this over from my windows, and am trying to work on it
What does JAVA require to download? Do I need eclipse?
You need the JDK and an IDE.
And yeah Batch is just a list of commands for the DOS console which is completely different than the Unix kernel and shell (Terminal).
Last edited by cheddargirl (2012-02-19 01:27:23)
veggieman001 wrote:
elfin8er wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
I don't think Batch works on Linux...Awe, really? I didn't even test it
I'm taking this over from my windows, and am trying to work on it
What does JAVA require to download? Do I need eclipse?
You need the JDK and an IDE.
And yeah Batch is just a list of commands for the DOS console which is completely different than the Unix kernel and shell (Terminal).
I thought DOS was a bit like terminal. I mean with the basic commands and everything. I found that "echo" works in terminal, but IDK about variables. Do you think my computer could handle the JDK, and IDE?
Pretty sure it can't handle the Batch then, sergeant.
I'm looking into making an adventure game in Java or C++, and I think I'll just stick with Batch. I'll either try and find some kind of Batch emulator or something, or just work on my windows computer. It would probably take me DAYS to learn JAVA, and then I have to rewrite what I already have, and then I'd have to look up tons of java scripts. If someone could teach me real quick, I may reconsider, but I just don't want to take the time to research everything. I'm already probably going to work on this thing for a few months.
elfin8er wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
So is it like an IF or what?
Is what an IF?
The game you're making. I don't quite understand what it is.
veggieman001 wrote:
elfin8er wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
So is it like an IF or what?
Is what an IF?
The game you're making. I don't quite understand what it is.
It's an adventure game. Here's what I have so far?
@echo off Title Elf Lands cls echo Welcome to Elf Lands pause cls echo You are starting out with 100 HP echo and 10.00 dollars. echo Good luck... echo. echo. echo. pause cls :::STATS::: SET HP=100 SET MONEY=10.00 SET STR=1 goto MENU :START cls echo :::STATS::: echo HP: %HP% echo Money: %MONEY% echo STR: %STR% echo. echo. SET /p Name=What is your name yong elf? cls echo :::STATS::: echo HP: %HP% echo Money: %MONEY% echo STR: %STR% echo. echo. echo Hello %name% and welcome to Elf Lands. The Land of elves. pause cls echo :::STATS::: echo HP: %HP% echo Money: %MONEY% echo STR: %STR% echo. echo. :MENU echo ===MENU=== echo. echo 1. Start Game echo. echo 2. Exit echo. echo 3. Tutorial echo. SET /p Choice= IF "%Choice%"=="1" GOTO START IF "%Choice%"=="2" GOTO EXIT IF "%Choice%"=="3" GOTO TUTORIAL :EXIT :TUTORIAL cls echo :::STATS::: echo HP: %HP% echo Money: %MONEY% echo STR: %STR% echo. echo. echo You are about to fight your first enemy. echo THIS WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR GAME!! echo. echo. pause cls echo :::STATS::: echo HP: %HP% echo Money: %MONEY% echo STR: %STR% echo. echo. echo ...You come across your first enemy... echo. echo. pause cls SET ENEMYSTR=3 SET ENEMYHP=10 echo :::STATS::: echo HP: %HP% echo Money: %MONEY% echo STR: %STR% echo. echo. ::: ID 1 ::: echo Your Enemies name is Test Dummy. echo He has %ENEMYHP% HP and his STR echo is %ENEMYSTR% echo. pause cls echo :::STATS::: echo HP: %HP% echo Money: %MONEY% echo STR: %STR% echo. echo. echo You may echo 1. Fight echo 2. Run SET /p fight= IF "%fight%"==1 GOTO fightid1 IF "%fight%"==2 GOTO runid1 pause :runid1 cls echo You run from Test Dummy echo This ends the tutorial. pause GOTO MENU :fightid1 cls echo :::STATS::: echo HP: %HP% echo Money: %MONEY% echo STR: %STR% echo. echo. echo You decide to face the Test Dummy. echo Your %STR% goes against Test Dummies echo %ENEMYHP%. echo.
Last edited by elfin8er (2012-02-19 00:21:16)
A game in Batch???
Seems interesting...
I don't know, mainly because I don't really know that much Java ^^
veggieman001 wrote:
I don't know, mainly because I don't really know that much Java ^^
Well, then I'll probably just stick with Batch. I may look into it a bit, but if it looks too confuzzling, IDK if I'll stick with it.