Version D0S?
Version D0S should be the next Scratch Website update. Not simply a few extra insignificant ideas, things that make it easier to use, and to personalize. I have suggested it using some mock-ups created by users. Combining them with a few ideas of my own could make the website and forum a better place to be!
We have all got used to the Scratch website by now. It is a simple interface, which gives all that is needed. But imagine, if you could change the colour scheme, switch your own profile's background to a gradient, or even a picture you made yourself from a template the website has given you! What if Scratch could recognize your most used tags?
Version D0S hopes to bring these ideas to life, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month. In fact, possibly in a year or maybe more! We can't just expect Scratch to find new ideas out of thin air. We should suggest them to the admins, website designers and the community. Who cares if it's not called Version D0S, as long as it is recognized.
LINK: Lucario621's Mockup
Ever go to your own userpage and wonder how generic everything is? Plain white background, blue icons? If we could personalize our own userpages, provided we can still report inappropriate content, then it could showcase a Scratcher's individuality. Of course, for Scratchers to know how large a picture is, a template should be available too.
The mockup Lucario621 demonstrates shows exactly what I mean. It shows a regular userpage, but with the extras added to show how it still fits in with the Scratch website itself. It even has buttons to show what each feature adds, which is essential for any mockup.
LINK: MrScoop-Art's Mockup
This mockup isn't interactive, but looks stunning. It is a different twist on a normal profile page, this one boasting a 'featured' project that the user particularly likes. And of course, it still shows the projects the user has made, but in a different interface rather than the normal one.
MrScoop has gone far from the basic, default userpage though, which could prove a challenge for newer users to understand. Also, the website info on the page should be optional, what if there is a Scratcher who doesn't have one? Also, I'm a little precarious about the 'Hometown' info, but still, nothing is perfect! I think this is great as it features an easier way to access projects and a project that the user particularly likes.
LINK: scimonster's Mockup
This looks like it's been inspired by YouTube. I'm not saying it is, just might be. Anyway, this one is brilliant! It is a great way to have a look at projects similar to one you really like, and is a great way for spoofs and spin-offs to be showcased! Once the graphics are a little improved to fit the website's theme, this could be a definite!
This is my favorite because it looks basic. Why do I like it then? Because it shows what a mockup is. It may look simple, but it is a great idea that would be essential for getting your project known. Though, it may also encourage duplicates. Still, if we trust Scratchers with this exciting new idea, it would be a great addition to Version D0S!
LINK: AddZero's Mockup
The most professional of all, AddZero has made some great work thinking of some new ideas to make the current tagging system better! It shows much more than simply typing in a tag, you can flag unnecessary tags, add 'bookmarked' tags and +1 to tags and -1 to tags if you like them or not.
It does have one setback, the graphics look fancy and all but how would this be implemented so that newer users can understand the concept? Also, this does seem a little far-fetched from the basic tag system that help simplify searching for a certain project. But, at least the flagging feature can prevent countless '... was here' tags.
If you do have any more ideas, there is nothing stopping you from suggesting a mockup project to me, so I can add it to the list! After all, what you suggest could help the website tomorrow! No-one will judge you, so start suggesting straight away! And, you can give your opinions on the mockups featured, and how they could be implemented.
I hope that when the Scratch team read this, they think about this. It shouldn't be over-night, it needs to take time so it can be at it's best quality! Together, the community can help one and all by suggesting original and helpful ideas to make the website better!