For school, I need to make my own Game/Program.
Me and my partner decided (Actually she forced me to), to make a Science Game that is educational for 6th graders. Now, but I need help with this. I've chosen an experiment already, so don't bother looking for that.
We've decided to have a list in the order the chemicals will have to be put into the empty beaker. If they don't put it in the correct order, the experiment shall explode.
But those are the skills I'm lacking at. I don't exactly know how to do that. So could maybe someone help me with that?
its really quite simple!
Say you chose magnesium and hydrochloric acid (IDK, but that looks nerdy to me) you would do this, although there may be a simpler way.
First, make 2 variables and 2 buttons, 1 called 'Magnesium' and the other 'acid' and it would just go like this: (if you want, you can also add FAIL and SUCCESS variables)
For the magnesium button:
When magnesiumbutton clicked if <acid = 1> set magnesium to 2 else if <acid = 0> set magnesium to 1For the acid button:
when acidbutton clicked if <magnesium = 1> set acid to 2 else if <magnesium = 0> set acid to 1to put in background:
when gf clicked wait untill <magnesium = 1 or magnesium = 2 and acid = 1 or acid = 2> if <magnesium = 1 and acid = 2> set FAIL to 1 else if <magnesium = 2 and acid = 1> set SUCCESS to 1(The code dosen't look right, i know. but that was the best i could do )
delete [all] of [solution v] add [ingredient 1] to [solution v] add [ingredient 2] to [solution v] add [ingredient A] to [solution v] add [ingredient B] to [solution v] delete [all] of [guessed_solution v] add [User Ingredient] to [guessed_solution v] set [i v] to (1) set [correct v] to (1) repeat <length of [solution v]> if <<item (i) of [guessed_solution v]> = <item (i) of [solution v]>> do nothing else set [correct v] to (0) end change [i v] by (1) endThat's how I would do it. Or at least something similar.
Last edited by Magnie (2012-02-09 10:22:03)
hey i'm also in 6th grade. Our school hasn't done chemistry so i guess that its safe to say that america is almost failing in education. I hope not since my ancestry really makes me need to work hard